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Learn how to apply energy efficiency on your business

energy efficiency on your business

Energy efficiency is a goal no business should be impartial to for several reasons, the most obvious being the saved costs. Beyond that, however, there’s environmental consciousness, which is tightly entwined with conserving energy. Last but not least, being a greener company is suitable for public image and,, respectively,, for business, even if the motifs behind it are purely selfish.

For all those reasons, Texas Electricity Ratings has compiled a thoughtful achievable guide to making your business more energy efficient.

Employee Education

  • If your employees aren’t aware of why their employer is so adamant about energy efficiency, they will consider such demands as yet another whim from high up they have to deal with.
  • Anyone knows that energy costs money, but not many people realize just how much money it can cost over time. Give them perspective by providing examples specific to your business.
  • But if the environment is your genuine concern, and even if it isn’t, making it the main point of interest will likely evoke more engagement with the cause. Again, you need specific examples to state your case. Otherwise, the whole matter seems abstract and distant to the average employee.
  • For example, one figure that’s quite eye-opening is that the electricity used by switched-off devices left plugged in can amount to as much as 10% of global electricity consumption. Chances are your employees are shocked by the first part, which is a curious phenomenon coined “phantom energy.” And 10% will surely exceed most people’s assumptions by leaps and bounds.

Energy-Saving Power Strips and/or Manual Unplugging

There are power strips that automatically turn off when the plugged-in devices aren’t being used, thus eliminating phantom energy. Furthermore, there are timers which can be set to your specific schedule. 

  • Doing it manually is the simplest option, but its reliability is depends on the people charged with it.
  • For businesses that employ a squad of electronic devices daily, phantom energy can be like a bloodthirsty leech if employees aren’t careful or are simply unaware.
  • At the very least, you have to turn devices off at the end of the workday instead of simply leaving them on or on standby overnight, especially over the weekend, as such wasteful negligence is equal to throwing money out the window.

Energy Efficient Devices and Light Bulbs

Energy-efficient devices may seem expensive, but they more than pay off over time.

The same goes for light bulbs, which can go under the radar as costly energy suckers. Many companies are still stuck with incandescent light bulbs, which not only use up more energy but also generate a lot of heat in the process, which might increase your AC costs in the summer. Consider replacing them with CFLs and/or LEDs.

Solar Energy

The idea is the same as replacing old devices and light bulbs with more progressive and environmentally conscious alternatives. It will cost you initially, but it’s a great investment in the long run.

Natural Light

Blocking natural light is like denying free money. Depending on your office location, simply opening the blinds could cut a significant amount of your electricity usage. Natural light is, well, natural, which generally makes it more pleasant and healthier.


This can also be overlooked, perhaps because it doesn’t seem very modern and technological, but the reality is that it can really make a difference to your energy consumption, and what kind of difference depends entirely on you.

  • At the very least, make sure there are no leaks and drafts.
  • High-quality window film is something that works really well year-round.


Thermostats, especially programmable ones that can be dynamically adjusted according to your business hours and activity, days of the week, and seasons, are a great way to lower energy consumption. All you need to do is set them correctly.

Also, if you have specific areas that remain largely unoccupied over significant periods, heating or cooling them constantly is a wasteful practice.

Maintain your HVAC System

Don’t underestimate the importance of maintenance and preventative care for your equipment. Things like dirty and/or old filters can really make your systems inefficient and more energy-consuming, not to mention broken.

Maintenance should be particularly diligent before peak heating and cooling seasons.


ENERGY STAR is the result of a collaboration between the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy. It looks out for your and the environment’s best interests. The ENERGY STAR label guarantees energy efficiency.

Those are some relatively straightforward but very efficient and fundamental ways to make your business more energy efficient and environmentally friendly. The definition of killing two birds with one stone.
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