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Benefits of traveling solo

traveling solo

Although it may seem odd, scary, or downright impossible for some folks, traveling solo can be immensely pleasurable.

Just think of all the historical monuments you won't have to visit just because your better half insisted upon it and all the seemingly dull places you can voluntarily get stuck in for hours without anyone counting your every second. Or, just imagine renting a car and then getting stuck in traffic in a beautiful city alone! The possibilities are endless, indeed.

Of course, sharing new experiences with someone can also be loads of fun, but engaging in the ancient craft of 'solivagantry' carries a unique taste for adventure, freedom, and numerous possibilities!

In this article, we'll discuss the main benefits of solo traveling. As you'll see, it's an entirely new perspective when visiting new places. (Or revisiting ones you've been to accompanied with some, well, any.) 


One of the most stifling aspects of traveling with even your best friends would be the constant voting on where to go and what to do. So, if you think democracy is tedious and redundant, traveling solo might be a thing you'd want to try out!

Jokes aside, while traveling with friends is almost always a guaranteed good time, no matter how badly the trip goes, choosing what you want to do at any given moment can be strangely liberating. Even if you don't have much to spend on travel, you can plan for the cheapest places to travel and spend some time with yourself.

Worth giving it a shot.

Making New Friends is Easy

One of the scariest parts of traveling alone is that there's no telling what sort of folks you're saying you've arrived at your destination. If you're not careful enough, you can quickly end up in an episode of 'Banged up Abroad' or face an even worse destiny!

So, provided you've taken all precautions when communicating with the local folk, solo travelers stand a better chance of meeting new people than their company-bound counterparts.

This is because you'll have more time, you'll be free to do whatever you wish, and there won't be any hurdles for your new friends! 

Less Stress

A lot of travel-related stress stems from the fact that, no matter how hard you try, you can't always predict every situation and make everyone happy. Therefore, if you're traveling on your alonely stress, you can invite yourself would be the situations you cause yourself.

(A quick note: If you're a clumsy person who tends to get into many challenging and potentially dangerous situations regularly, solid gantry may not be the sport to pursue.)

Anyway, if you've done your homework correctly and you'd be willing to accept that you cannot control everything that comes your way, there's a good chance you'll have a merry and virtually stress-free journey. 

Developing Personal Accountability

One of the most important things to take inconsiderate about traveling completely solo would be, well, ehrm… pretty much everything.

How many pairs of socks you'll be carrying, how's your credit card balance, if your car is in perfect order, how much luggage you need – all matters that need tending to before going off on your voyage.

Now, since you'll be doing all of this yourself, you'll have to take everything seriously, and this is how you build – accountability.

Your car is one of the most important things to check before you set off. If you're an Aussie, you can do this at Epping Auto Service – these professionals will take care of your vehicle, so you don't have to worry.

Setting Your Own Schedule

Although you'll be free to deviate from your schedule to your heart's content on your solo journey, you still need a program if you mean to make the best of your stay.

While it may initially seem tedious, selecting the activities for your schedule can be excellent and exciting! Just imagine, you can do whatever you want, whenever you like!

So, as long as you remember to schedule your return trip home in your planner, your solo holiday can be a massive success. Of course, you'd need to follow the tips from above, too.

With aWith a little organization, caution, and a spirit for adventure, you can make your next trip the best one yet!

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