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5 Ways to find a year abroad work placement

work placement

Are you curious to see the world while obtaining higher education? Recent statistics have highlighted that more than 330,000 students from the United States alone study abroad. Still, it can be challenging to find work if you are hoping to earn some extra money. Let's look at five sure-fire ways to increase your chances of finding a lucrative position related to your prospective career.

Using the Speculative Approach

Have you ever heard of a speculative job application? This is the process of sending a resume and a short cover letter to a company, even if they do not appear to be hiring. This proactive stance may impress HR representatives, and as a result, a position could become available. If not, the firm will have your information on hand for future reference.

Communicate with Global Businesses

Never be afraid to think above and beyond the visual horizon. Search for multinational corporations and speak with a qualified representative. Explain your current position and your curiosity to learn if any positions become available. This is an excellent way to "break the ice" and see opportunities.

Speak with Your University

Contact the student resources department to discover whether they offer a placement year abroad. You might be surprised to discover the possibilities at your disposal, and this is arguably one of the most cost-effective means of finding work. The school will also likely provide additional advice if you are slightly confused regarding your options.

Leverage Your Personal and Professional Contacts

Who you know is just as important as what you know. In fact, you might already have contacts who have found employment abroad. Others may have more experience with work placement programs, which is a valuable tool within your arsenal if you come to an impasse. Use the power of social networks to communicate your desires and simply ask for help. The chances are high that you will find a willing contact.

Travel Abroad and Job Hunt While Out and About

Although there is nothing wrong with sending a resume and cover letter to a company located outside of your home country, the simple fact is that nothing can replace a hands-on approach. This is why many students choose to job hunt when they arrive at their destination. Such an approach will provide you with greater flexibility, and you will be able to discover opportunities not listed through mainstream sources.

Finally, it is also wise to search for a campus that boasts a sense of global recognition in higher education. This will open up even more potential employment possibilities. Finding work abroad can be a rather tricky subject to tackle, yet all of the suggestions above will come in handy. You could align yourself towards a very bright and rewarding future.

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