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What Are The Key Responsibilities Of A DBMS Administrator?

DBMS Administrator

Database management systems are vital for businesses and companies. They provide centralized access to data for various end users in an organization. Since it is a vital part of any business, it means that if its performance is slow or affected in any way, the day to day activities of the company or organization is greatly affected. This calls for the need to have such systems running smoothly throughout because their abrupt failure can result in losses and other inconveniences. There is a database administrator in the picture who authorizes access to the databases. This means that for any database management system to work optimally there is the need to have a database administrator on the ground to keep it in check.

It also means that there are no unauthorized personnel or user that can have access to the database without going through the DBA first. The DBAs are in charge of ensuring the entire performance management database plays the role it is designed to and efficiently. In this guide, we are going to have a look at various roles played by the various database management system administrators who are put in charge of database systems.

A Checklist Of The Roles Played By Database Systems Administrators

These are the various roles played by database administrators;
  • They handle the selection of hardware and software infrastructure. They keep up with latest technological advancements and trends as far as database management is concerned.
  • They manage data integrity. This is where the organization or business company data is kept off limits from unauthorized users as well as maintaining data consistency. They authorize access of the database to various users who have to use passwords for instance to access the databases. Data relationship is also maintained.
  • Providing back up facilities for the business files. DBAs have the responsibility of providing backup mechanism for the organization files so that in case there is an incident that affects the accessible files, the backed up ones can be restored in the system. These backup devices are the like of disks and hard drives which are stored separately where no physical damage is likely to get to them.
  • The responsibility of tuning the database performance. They deal with installation and upgrades of database management systems. They are also mandated with the task of monitoring both memory and Central Processing Unit usage to prevent the system from slowing or shutting down due to the inability of the CPU to handle simultaneous tasks. They generally are responsible of the whole performance management database.
  • Overlooking the data storage capacity limits. They oversee that the database handles only the capacity of data that it has limits to. This way the physical memory and the database itself are only enabled to store what they can handle to avoid performance issues.
  • They manage connectivity metrics where they ensure the cables, routers and all network essentials are working to facilitate the various processes being handled through database.

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