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How to Keep Your Garden Healthy

Gardening is experiencing a resurgence. It’s even getting a whole new generation involved, millennials increasingly interested in keeping their patch of the natural world.

Keeping your garden healthy encompasses several aspects. This guide covers a widespread: the prevention of disease, how to encourage veggie and fruit growth, and creating a positive environment for yourself and wildlife.

Get Off on the Right Track

The worst thing you can do when starting off is buy unhealthy plants. Getting rid of a disease is no easy task; if you infect enough of your garden, you may have to start over. And no one wants that.

Go for a trusted local grower that knows their stuff. If you see irregular or strangely colored leaves, do not buy them. Another good way of checking for problems is by inspecting root quality. Healthy roots are firm, will generally be white, and you should see minimal clustering of origins (look for a healthy spread). Avoid the plant if the roots are dark, soft, or mushy, even if it looks healthy otherwise.

Attract Birds and Bees (and Other Wildlife) to Your Garden

Many homeowners consider birds, bees, critters, or any other sort of bug unwanted guests and downright pests at worst. But your garden is part of an ecosystem, an essential component in the jigsaw that makes up our planet. Instead of pushing them away, you should do your best to attract visitors. There are several ways you can attract wildlife to your garden, including:

  •  Opt for organic. You want to use fertilizers that won’t harm birds or other wildlife in your garden.
  • Cut down on pesticides. They may be necessary in some cases, but try minimizing your pesticide use.
  • Add water features, feeding stations, and birdhouses. You want to create a welcoming environment for birds.

Choose the Correct Fertilizer

We’ve already briefly mentioned it in the previous section, but choosing the right fertilizer is too important to keep it to just one short sentence. Plants need nutrients to grow and survive, which usually means you will need fertilizer to boost them. These are the absolute basics you need to know:
  • Soil test first. This will help you determine what nutrients you’re missing.
  • Follow instructions. This should be a given, but you’d be surprised how many homeowners open the fertilizer bag without looking at the small print.
  • Nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. These are the three main components of fertilizer. You need the correct ratios to ensure your garden gets what it needs.

How to Grow Veggies

People are becoming increasingly concerned with what supermarkets offer (pesticides, GMOs, plastic). If having your very own veggie patch is something you want to pursue, then you’re about to join a growing tribe:
  • Vegetable rotation. You don’t want to plant the same stuff over and over again. Change things up to avoid pests and disease.
  • Know the right combinations. Certain vegetables work well together, helping each other grow and ward off diseases. For example, peas, carrots (you’ve heard the phrase, right?), onions, beetroot, tomatoes,, and potatoes.
  • Natural pest control. Certain plants will help keep pests away. Lavender, for example, deters ants. The tomato fly isn’t a huge fan of basil. Garlic is good for growing strawberries or tomatoes, as it controls fungal disease.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Professional Advice

Gardening can often be underestimated. Even If you live in an apartment, you can still have your own indoor garden with the right equipment. If this is your first venture, you may want to ask for professional advice first. Many first-time gardeners think they must do it all themselves or that gardeners are prohibitively expensive.
Sure, good ones aren’t cheap, but if you just need a couple of consultations, why not go for an expert? It won’t break the bank, and will save you money in the long run by avoiding expensive mistakes.

Last One: It’s (Mostly!) Down to You

The main obstacle to having a lovely, healthy, and productive garden is usually one thing: you. It’s not an easy thing to admit, but what usually does is a lack of consistency. Many homeowners start their garden journey with all the best intentions but then falter when providing the requisite TLC. Tending to a garden isn’t rocket science, nor does it take much money. You just have to be willing to learn and put in the time.

Keeping your garden healthy mainly takes dedication and a wee bit of financial investment. Don’t be discouraged if you come up against an unexpected bump in the road; even the most experienced gardeners go through a bad patch. Keep at it, and you’ll be rewarded!

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