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Everything You Need to Know About Environmental Tobacco Smoking

Whenever there is a debate on the hazardous effect of tobacco usage. Unfortunately, health concerns almost always conceal the impacts of tobacco on our environment. Environmental degradation due to tobacco usage is rarely given importance as it is usually the last topic under tobacco hazards discussions. However, tobacco consumption needs to be severely regulated to suit the environment, and the activities and processes of tobacco manufacturers need strict supervision too.

The tobacco industry contributes to the degradation of our environment through every step. Whether it is tobacco’s growth on a large scale, discarded cigarette disposal, or even filtered cigars, everything has adverse impacts on humans and animals indirectly through land, air, and water pollution. Here are some of the most common ways tobacco impacts our environment.

Effects on Natural Environment

Trees are cut down to grow tobacco on a large scale which has very hazardous impacts in the long run. The deforestation of specific areas leads to air pollution and becomes a welcoming factor for earthquakes and floods. Due to this removal of trees on a massive scale, animals lose their shelters, and plants are destroyed, eventually ending up in the natural ecosystem.

Carelessly throwing burnt cigarettes in forests and fields can erupt fire and destroy wildlife to a large extent. Many forest fires due to the cigarettes’ residues have resulted in massive destruction not only of the forests but also of the homes causing many deaths.

Effects on Cattle

Cigarettes and tobacco-related residues seriously impact pets and other animals as it destroys the livestock industry in general. The contact between animals and tobacco litter always ends up in destruction, especially when animals swallow it and get choked. When they come in contact with animals, the residues of tobacco, either orally or through nasal routes, can make them sick and even lead to their deaths.

Effects on Agriculture

Cigarette litter and tobacco can gradually accumulate in huge concentrations under the fertile grounds, causing them to lose fertility. Other forms of tobacco, like pipes, etc., are also usually thrown carelessly in the open fields, which also causes harm to the crops to some extent. The chemicals of tobacco are also found to be hazardous to humans when they reach them as accumulated in the crops humans eat. Moreover, growing tobacco in a particular region can adversely affect the fertility and growth of other crops in neighboring lands because tobacco is a mono-crop.

To keep our land, air, and water safe and tobacco-free, some serious steps are needed regarding the tobacco industry. These industries must be set up far away from the populated areas and have a specific place to grow tobacco. Smokers must be forced to dispose of their used cigarettes and other tobacco-containing litter properly and be penalized if they are ever observed doing it incorrectly. Smoking must be done in some specific zones and not everywhere to keep the air clean.

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