Things To Think About
When it comes to plastic toothbrushes, there are a lot of questions that might pop up in your mind. For example, where does the plastic toothbrush go after being discarded, and how long does it take to break down a plastic toothbrush? Well, if you also keep wondering about these things and questions, don’t worry because we will answer them all and tell you the solution to your problem.
Plastic toothbrushes, once you discard them, go to the ocean directly, which is why marine life gets in danger. Not only this, this plastic and all the chemicals of it goes straight to the fish we eat, so technically, we are polluting both our food and marine life.
Now, another interesting fact is that it takes around 400 years for a plastic toothbrush to break down, the ones that don’t make it to the ocean remain in landfills for years, and that’s where they release poisonous chemicals in the air. Long story short, the plastic toothbrushes we use are harming us one way or the other, and it’s high time for people to think of a solution, which is using a Biodegradable Toothbrush.
Yes, you read that right! These toothbrushes aren’t only good for the environment; in fact, they are suitable for your health too, and if you really care about yourself, your kids, the environment, the planet Earth and the marine life, then you need to stop buying PVC plastic toothbrushes right now and shift to toothbrushes that are biodegradable like the bamboo ones.
Believe it or not, this might not be a significant concern in the world right now, but within a few years, plastic will destroy the Earth, and by that time, it will be too late to do something about it.
Overall Verdict
It’s not only about toothbrushes, in fact, but people also need to stop using plastic at all. From shopping bags to baskets to other plastic products, plastic must be banned immediately if we want to survive and breathe in a healthy and clean environment.
We hope you now know what to do. So, just head to your nearest local store or order a biodegradable toothbrush right now and try contributing to Mother Earth's betterment and improvement.