Medical Benefits of CBD Oil |
Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, is found explicitly in a marijuana plant called Cannabis Sativa. A cannabis plant contains 104 compounds called cannabinoids, out of which Cannabidiol is the most famous one. Unlike its sister compound, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD is not a psychoactive substance and does not induce feelings of euphoria or a “high.”
CBD is processed by carefully extracting the CBD component from the cannabis plant, separating it from the rest of the compounds, and then diluting it with a carrier oil. Hemp seed oil is the most commonly used carrier oil. This hemp CBD oil is then prepared for commercial use.
While this can be expensive over time, especially for daily use, CBD Oil discounts are available online that can help.
Scientists have found many health benefits to CBD oil, including its pain-relieving properties. CBD oil is very much worth the hype, and here are the 10 medical help you can get from it.
1. Decreased risk of cardiovascular diseases
According to 2013 research data, patients with cardiovascular diseases who used CBD oil exhibited an increase in their high-density lipoproteins, which are the good cholesterol in the body. Not only did it increase HDL, but it also helped lower LDL (low-density lipoprotein) or bad cholesterol. High levels of HDL decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases like hypertension or coronary artery disease.
2. Helps relieve pain
Many have heard of medicinal marijuana that has been used for a long time to relieve pain. Many date the use of marijuana for pain relief back to 2900 B.C. Scientists have now discovered that one of the pain-relieving elements is CBD.
The body contains an endocannabinoid system that regulates our immune system, pain, and sleep. Endocannabinoids are neurotransmitters that bind to receptors to relieve pain. CBD mimics the function of those neurotransmitters and helps reduce inflammation. Studies also suggest that an infusion of CBD with THC is beneficial in relieving pain in patients with arthritis and multiple sclerosis.
3. Reduces anxiety and depression
Anxiety and depression are problematic mental health issues that have ruined the lives of many. The treatment of anxiety and depression requires the use of pharmaceutical drugs, which have several side effects, including dependency, loss of libido, agitation, and tolerance. Many people die due to overdose, which can lead to substance abuse.
CBD oil has shown remarkable results in treating the two mental disorders. CBD oil has also been shown to treat the side effects of anxiety medication, like insomnia, and to help children with post-traumatic stress disorder.
4. Reduces cancer-related symptoms
Patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy suffer from side effects like nausea, vomiting, and excruciating pain. The drugs usually used to relieve these symptoms are often ineffective in extreme cases, and patients are always looking for better alternatives. According to the latest research, CBD has also been known to reduce the spread of breast cancer in mice, but human trials are still pending. Nevertheless, CBD is a great alternative to relieve nausea and vomiting after chemo.
5. May help acne
Acne is a hormonal or genetic skin condition many teenagers and adults suffer from. CBD has been known to help people with acne and scarring due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps people with oily skin by reducing the amount of sebum produced by sebaceous glands.
6. Reduces risk for diabetes and obesity
We’ve all seen people who use marijuana lose body mass quickly. The CBD component has been found to turn the white fat into brown fat and kick-start insulin production with sugar metabolism.
7. Maintenance of brain health
Cannabinoids have a neuroprotective nature, which means they regulate your brain health by removing damaged cells with glutamate toxicity and controlling serotonin levels.
8. Protects bones and bone diseases
CBD regulates bone metabolism to maintain a solid and healthy body structure by blocking an enzyme that breaks bone down over time and causes osteoporosis and arthritis. Both these diseases prevent the formation of new bones and decrease the existing bones' density, thereby making them prone to injury and fracture.
9. Helps sleep disorders
CBD oil regulates sleep cycles and has a therapeutic effect on the mind. It calms the senses and may also provide respiratory stability by regulating serotonin for patients suffering from sleep apnea.
10. Calms patients with childhood epilepsy
CBD has helped patients with epilepsy without notable side effects, according to a new study. Children who were given the CBD component had fewer seizures, and since it has been approved by the FDA to treat patients with epilepsy.
CBD oil has numerous properties and is far different than essential hemp oil. CBD oil has been legalized in European countries and many parts of the United States, which makes it easier to find on sites