As you can expect, car accidents resulting from careless driving are a frequently fought case. These can range in severity from minor injuries to fatalities.
Slip and fall injuries are usually brought against companies or businesses instead of individuals. When someone injures themselves on their property due to negligent care, the person in charge can be held liable.
In this case, an investigation will determine if the property owner was negligent. The negligent behavior could be as simple as an unmarked wet floor or as complicated as a flight of stairs collapsing.
Other common personal injury cases involve animal bites, damage caused by products, nursing home abuse, and bicycle accidents.
The umbrella of personal injury law is quite comprehensive. Check more info: While these cases are typical, any injury case will likely fall under personal injury law.
A minor exception involves injuries in the workplace. In this instance, an injured person is likelier to take up the matter with their worker's compensation insurance than to sue an employer directly.
There are some situations where this is different. But as worker's compensation is legally required in each state, this is traditionally how the process plays out.