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Finding a CPA in Israel

Finding a CPA in Israel

Philip Stein and Associates is the way to go if you are an accounting student looking to get a CPA certificate. The firm started in 1979 and aims to provide services such as giving tax advisories, filing tax returns, and CPA certification for accounting students in Israel. It is a one-stop center for anyone looking to know anything about the US and Israel’s taxation programs. The firm’s offices are in Jerusalem, Ramat Gan, and Beit Shemesh.

Why choose Philip and Stein Associates?

The firm prides itself in dealing with international trade matters, especially between the US and Israel, where it is based. As a fast-growing economy, Israel is in the market for CPA holders to help it meet its constant demand for qualified accountants. The internship programs Philip and Associates provide will help their students get experience, especially in international trade. The firm also boasts of its connections to large investment companies and banks in Israel and the US, which can provide students with competitive internships.

The firm has a history of building solid relationships with its clients through its customer satisfaction, trust, and reliability principles. Philip Stein and Associates has existed for well over three decades and thus has plentiful experience and knowledge in accounting. Its vision of being a trusted global advisor ensures that it can maintain its list of clients by fostering solid relationships with them. They achieve this vision by answering their mission statement's ‘how’ factor. They ensure that their clients are well served and their employees treated well enough to enable them to continue to serve accordingly.

Career Objectives

Philip Stein and Associates aim to ensure that their students canraduate and serve diligently in fields such as accounting, tax preparation, administration, and auditing.


Getting a CPA in Israel requires first going through a rigorous accounting program backed by a degree in economics. The need for qualified accountants in Israel demands that the programs be complex enough to ensure that those who pass it are well deserving of the bountiful advantages that come with it. The program lasts four years, after which the student is taken through a one-year internship program. The program will also ensure that the student sits for a mandatory final year exam, the Israel Accounting Council (IAC) exam, which he or she has to pass.

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