Basketball Game |
Have you been trying to improve your basketball skills but aren’t sure where to begin? Whether you are just starting out with this sport or keen to hone your existing skills to be even more successful, here are some easy ways to make yourself an even better player.
Use The Right Dribbling Posture
Learning to dribble depends on getting a good feel for how the ball moves and how it responds when you put force on it. It’s essential to maintain the correct posture during dribbling. Keep your knees at shoulder-width apart and avoid locking them. Keep yourself well-balanced, and never bounce the ball higher than the waist. Alternate bouncing between hands and between soft and more complex moves. When you’re driving, alternate your hands in a crossover move. Practice zig-zag patterns and dribble around cones. Remember that you need to practice how to dribble without having to look at the ball.
Practice Shooting
The mnemonic BEEF+C will help you to remember how to shoot a basketball. Remember:
- B means balance
- E means eyes
- E means elbow
- F means follow through
- C means concentration
You should also practice how to shoot with one hand. Use your finger pads, holding the ball, so you can see the light through your fingers. When you hit, ensure you’re pushing the ball towards the hoop while simultaneously rolling it back towards you for a spin move. Once you’re happy with your shooting activities, try shooting from all the different areas of the court. Keep practising free throws until you can make them consistently in a row.
Practising Defense
Getting the defensive stance right is essential if you’re going to hone your skills. Keep your base wide and your body weight onto the balls of the feet. Make sure your hips are back and your butt downwards. Keep your arms upwards and outwards but never touch your opposing player. Make sure you’re practising the shuffle step, too, while switching between directions.
Improve Teamwork
Practice passing to other players since accurate and crisp passes make all the difference to your team’s success. Learn what your role is in the group and practice it. You need to work on creative plays that use your team's strengths. Practice games of hot potato to improve the whole team’s ability to work as a single unit.
Improve Your Fitness Level
Staying fit can make all the difference between being successful on the basketball court and failing to hit the basket. Practice running regularly to build up your stamina and practice push-ups to improve your arm strength. Also, try to increase your vertical leaping ability. If you’re agile, fast and able to jump high, you don’t need to be the tallest player on the court to be successful. Jumping rope for as long, hard and fast as possible speeds up your basketball court footwork. Focus on the strength of your core muscles. Doing leg lifts, the plank and abdominal crunches will ensure that your core can take a hit and yet still finish strong.
Improve Your Knowledge
While physical skill is essential on the court, mental agility is also necessary. You should learn as much as possible about basketball by perusing the NBA rules, which you can find online for free. You should also discuss the game with other players, read informative websites and ask your coach for expert tips. Watch as many games as possible on TV and in real life, as this is the perfect guide to help you get as much enjoyment and success as possible from your competition.
Follow these expert tips, and you should be well-armed to get ahead of your opponents on the basketball court. However, remember that basketball is a team game, and you can only be suitable as your other team members. Remember that the key to true success in this game is working as a single unit with your fellow players so that you can all achieve your team goal – to beat your opponents and come home as winners.