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Choosing the Best Wi-Fi Baby Monitor for Your Needs

You must be exhausted.

Anyone would be if they went to check on their sleeping baby every two Minutes. You’ve been called out for it – deep down, even you know that it is not healthy. But you just can’t help it. What if the little one starts crying and you don’t hear them in the next room? What if they lose their favourite stuffed toy and get scared without it? You are terrified of any number of, well, not-so-terrifying things that could happen.

Well, the good news is, I get it. The bad news (or is it?) is that I agree with everyone saying you can’t keep this up. But there is something you can do. You can get the best Wi-Fi baby monitor for your needs.

But why a Wi-Fi variant over the usual monitor? Let me tell you why!

Reasons to Go for a Wi-Fi Monitor
  • First off, you don’t have to carry around that bulky receiver from room to room – if you have a smartphone (of course you do), that’s all you need to have with you at all times.
  • There is no range – you can check on your baby anywhere, even if you’re on the other side of the world.
  • You’re not limited to just one screen – more than one person can check on the baby at any time.
  • Most modern-day Wi-Fi baby monitors offer you sound and video, so you can see your baby. The more hi-tech ones even let you monitor the temperature of the baby’s room.
While there are many other benefits of the Wi-Fi baby monitor, these should be enough to convince you to buy one.
 But which one? Here are some things you should look out for.

Features to Consider

Look for a monitor that is easy to set up – long, complicated procedures are always a no-go when you are a parent.
  • Get a Wi-Fi monitor that is safe – encrypted, and very hard to break into. Scroll down to the bottom of the blog post for more details on how you can make the monitor safe.
  • Look for a monitor that gives you a good-quality image and a wide angle that lets you see as much of the room as possible. 
  • Similarly, a camera that can tilt, pan, and zoom help with how well you can see your little one. 
  • Night vision is a must – what is the monitor's point if you can’t even see your baby while they sleep at night?
  • Some monitors allow for two-way communication – you can’t just hear your baby; you can talk to them. If you are often away from home, this is a good choice.

Word of Advice

Everything has its drawbacks, and no matter how many benefits the Wi-Fi baby monitor has, you need to consider that they can be manipulated, and your feed can be hacked into. To avoid this, first, check reviews and see which companies offer security systems that are encrypted. On top of that, ensure that your firmware is always up to date. Also, when you install the monitor, change the password immediately to remain safe!

Looking for more detailed information on Wi-Fi baby monitors and help to buy one? Give a visit!

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