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Early and Late Dental Implant Problems

Dental Implant Problems
Dental Implant Problems

Having a missing tooth can be a traumatizingg experience for people as it will look aesthetically poor and haves other implications attached. With the advancement in dentistry, you now have various ways to fix this. Once you visit a dental clinic, your dentist will guide you about the options available and what will suit you well.

One such option is Dental Implants. They are the best solution to missing teeth. They look and work exactly like your natural teeth. Dental Implants are embedded into your gums and work as the artificial bone to support your tooth. Since you have lost your tooth, the bone will stop helping, and hence,, you will face the problem of jawbone loss, which will make your face look sagging. Dental implants overcome this problem. They help you prevent jawbone loss, improve your facial appearance, and are a long-lasting solution to your missing tooth.

Going by the standards and the advancement in dental technology, the Dental Implant procedure has a success rate of 98%; however, in that 2 % , the Dental Implants fail to have a risk attached. Sure, Dental Implants face some potential issues, which is why that 2% failure. The issues include:


When you get your Dental Implant surgery done, you will likely feel discomfort during the initial few days. This is because you have something foreign in your mouth and are not used to it. There are also chances of swelling and infection as the procedure was a little intensive. The condition wherein you experience a disorder after having dental implants placed is called peri-implantitis.

It is essential to visit a dental clinic and get it treated. If left untreated, it can lead to bleeding in gums, pain which will eventually lead to pus, and, sometimes, even bone loss. All of this will contribute to Implant failure. Usually, this occurs in people suffering from diabetes or those with periodontal disease before the implant surgery.

If you are not maintaining your oral hygiene, as if you are a tobacco user or a smoker and practice poor oral hygiene, then you are likely to get peri-implantitis. It is also linked to an issue called bruxism (jaw clenching or teeth grinding).

One can avoid undergoing the proper surgical procedure to treat the issue as mentioned above. Your Aria Dental clinic can explore new options and alternatives, such as antimicrobial therapy. If nothing works,, will they go with the surgical procedure to cure the same?


Dental Implants are placed because they are a strong and healthy option that supports your teeth and jawbone. It helps in chewing the food and can withstand any pressure. However, sometimes your dental implant shifts or sloosens, and that can be due to various reasons. One of the most common reasons for the same is bone density. If there is insufficient bone density, then it will not support the implant structure or the bone tissue. This will loosen the bond between the tissue and the titanium screw placed inside the gums.

If this is the case, the usual option is a bone graft. In this, a bone is added to the jaw to support the implant and create a denser and more stable base for placing the implant.

One can have insufficient bone density due to various factors i.e., one can have this since the very beginning, can develop with age, can be a hereditary issue, or can develop due to health complications. The bone graft technique not only helps overcome the above factors but makes your jaw healthy in general,, which can support Implants. However, the healing period of the jaw is months with bone graft.

In addition to the problems raised above,, autoimmune disease also increases the implant failure rate. It is a condition where your immune system attacks itself and destroys your body's tissuesy. This will cause the rejection of the body for Dental Implants. 

Nevertheless, dental implants are and will be a great success, and any implications and concerns can be taken care of by your implantologist. You just need to closely work with them and make sure that the plans made are followed.

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