High School |
High school is what most graduates or work professionals would call the experience of a lifetime that you certainly don't want to miss out on. It's the period when you have the fun, the friends, and the freedom to gain experiences that future life commitments won't allow you to. You're not a kid in primary school who needs a parent to buy clothes, but you aren't an adult who needs to pay bills.
However, like most life changes, this one isn't easy either. Shifting from secondary school to high school is a daunting task. Increase school workload, new surroundings and people, new subjects, and a new routine. Adjusting to all of this at once, hoping to leaveour mark and mamakeories, can be difficult for any child. A study reveals that 25% of teenagers suffer from anxiety disorders.
Parents are the ones who understand their children during this critical time. They can help and be their guide, hold their hand during stormy days, and share the laughter on the good days. The following tips by Etutorworld can help parents support their kids during this crucial time -
1) Talk it Out
Most of the time, before their first day in high school, kids are anxious and behave differently. Not talking about it or clarifying their issues can worsen things, leading to low self-confidence on the first day. Many children unable to cope ultimately drop out, creating a mess. In the US alone, around 1.2 million students drop out every year! You definitely don't want your child to be one of them, so sit down with your child, try and answer all their doubts and questions, comfort them, and also attempt to share your own high school experiences; this will not only help your child calm down but also help them get mentally prepared for what's to come.
2) Prepare
High school's first days are not only challenging for a child but also hectic for the pare. New timings, books, and a new routine for the child impact the whole family's routine life. Make sure you prepare well in advance to avoid any delays thatwcouldmake your child panic. Help or guide them to pack required stationery, prepare the bag with all the necessary books and essential documents, finalize the time with buffer time in hand, and constantly communicate.
3) Plan a Map
Having a little control over what is happening around you and your child's life is vital in this case. Once you have the high school timings figured out and subjects finalized, you can plan your child's day to help them get into the flow of this new journey. Sit down with your child and make a road rap. Timings for school, homework timings, figuring out a few basic rules, checking on home tutor timings along with the time for outings and extra-curricular.
4) Encourage Good Habits
High school needs to be a complete image for your child. It's essential for future career advancement and intellect. Along with studying, make sure your child learns new things in life. Allow them to do one extracurricular activity, and enroll them in classes like Public speaking or counseling if you observe them struggling with peer pressure. Encourage them to participate in school activities and interact with other students. Along the way, they always make sure that they value what they learn.
5) Get a Tutor
High school means assignments. Assignments mean deadlines. Deadlines mean time pressure. This sometimes calls for additional education help for your child at home. Some kids need help keeping up with the speed of studies in High school or want individual attention to clarify doubts or finish homework. Hire a tutor if you need more time or skill to help your kids work. Tutoring not only eases their study pressure but also helps kids to score better. But again, before getting a tutor, find out if your child needs to improve in any subject or needs extra help in overall studies. For example, I was fragile in Calculus, so my Mom got me an Online Calculus tutor. Similarly, you, also need to identify your child'se weak and strong pointd. Only then can you truly help him/her out.
With these steps, the new journey will not be easy, but bearable. Parental support is critical for a child to get through High school and simultaneously value it.