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5 Proven Ways to Stop a Toothache with Natural Tips

Stop a Toothache with Natural Tips
Stop a Toothache with Natural Tips

A toothache is one of the most excruciating experiences that one can suffer from, and you should not just keep ignoring the suffering as it is bound to worsen with time.

Toothache can be caused by the grinding of the teeth, faulty tooth fillings, sensitivity, tooth fracture, tooth decay, gum disease, and many more factors. Apart from that, poor orthodontic measures, misalignment of the teeth, and food lodged between the teeth and the sinus can also be responsible for the toothache.

If the pain lasts more than a few days, it is best to consult your dentist immediately. However, you may not get an appointment with the dentist directly. Under such circumstances, home remedies come to your rescue.

Here are some home remedies you should try to reduce your toothache before seeing the doctor. Just take a look.

  • Ice Pack or Cold Compress – An ice pack or cold compress can assist in easing dental pain, especially if the toothache is due to swollen gums or an injury. For this, the patient must hold a bag of frozen peas or an ice pack against the external side of the cheek, above the tooth that is paining for a few minutes. The cold treatment application constricts the blood vessels, which slows the blood flow to the affected area. This assists in reducing the inflammation swe, swelling, and numbing the pain.
  • Clove Oil – People have used clove oil to reduce or control toothache for thousands of years. The cloves are not just the essential additions to the curry and baking but also great for easing tooth pain. Eugenol, which is a strong chemical, is contained in clove. It is both an antiseptic and anesthetic. So, the cloves are responsible for preventing further infection and numbing the pain.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide – Hydrogen peroxide is the most celebrated disinfectant for medicinal purposes. It is used for cleaning wounds and medical tool sterilization. This one is also an inexpensive antiseptic. However, it has been seen that hydrogen peroxide also acts as a tooth pain reliever. When you cannot speak with the doctor, you can use hydrogen peroxide. You should take a cap filled with 3% hydrogen peroxide into the mouth for this. Then, hold for about 7-10 minutes. You can do this multiple times every day. This will control your pain and assist you in having a good night’s sleep. This way, you can wait till you get an appointment with the dentist.
  • Peppermint Tea – The peppermint also has the numbing effects that can soothe the toothache. The menthol that offers the minty smell and flavor to the peppermint tea is also said to be antibacterial. One teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves can be put in a cup of boiling water, and for 20 minutes, these leaves must be steeped. After the tea is cooled, it can be swished around the mouth before being swallowed or spat. A slightly wet and warm bag can also be held against the cheek until the pain subsides. The affected tooth can also be treated with a few drops of peppermint oil on a cotton ball, which is a temporary remedy.
  • Saltwater Rinse – Saltwater rinse is an effortlessly easy way to relieve a toothache. Until you get to the best dentist in Myrtle Avenue Queens,, you can swish the salty and warm water around the mouth. A great mix is using 8 ounces of water to mix half a teaspoon of table salt. You should try to spit it out instead of swallowing it. Before that, you can try to floss around the tooth that is sore to do away with any type of food particle stuck there.
The above are some of the natural ways to stop a toothache when you cannot go for an appointment with the dentist immediately. Though these remedies can somewhat control the pain, if you do not dig out the real cause of the pain and get it treated immediately, chances are that it will aggravate in the the future. So, consult with the dentist as soon as possible.

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