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What Are The Dos and Don’ts in Making a Logo?

The primary competition among all brands is who stands out from the rest. It is a challenge now to get a distinct style from any other. The competition starts with a Creative logo design that the product signifies. It is not merely pretty looks that count in a logo nowadays, but the impact it embarks on catching the attention of a prospective audience.

Knowing what to avoid and consider in creating a logo will help you be guided with what you are doing. So, let us look at the dos and don'ts you should consider before crafting a remarkable logo for your business with its corresponding justification.

Things to avoid in making a logo

1. Putting too much detail

Putting too much detail on the logo will make the design too complicated. The more you add up many aspects, such as including many pictures or symbols or too much color, the higher the probability of confusion among your audience. Instead of a vibrant visual appeal to the prospective customer, it becomes appalling towards their impression. pleasant

2. Go with trends

Consider that the logo should last up to a lifetime. It should sustain the market whatever happens. If you follow the trends in the current time, your business logo will become outdated as years pass by. However, it does not mean you will follow bland and cliché designs. It is a matter of the logo maintaining and remaining outstanding timelessly.

3. Copycat

Never copy other brands' logos because it defeats competing and creating your mark in the industry. You lose the chance to set yourself apart once you have copied another brand's design. Do not worry if your brand is not yet word of mouth by everyone. The point is that you are already building your brand into recognition.

4. Overly use Photoshop

It is given that many graphics are edited through Photoshop. However, spare it when creating a logo. It needs to contemplate the effects of Photoshop before applying it to the design of the logo because it might cause the logo not to be versatile. Specifically, do not apply shadows, glow effects, or outlines on the text. Do not even use any filter or texture in it. Do not stretch or warp the text. 

Things to follow in making a logo

1. The balanced element of design: fonts and colors

Concerning the font, the font should be readable and clear regardless of the changes in its size. To achieve readable text, decorative and fancy fonts should be avoided. And to have a clear font, avoid using different fonts. Make sure you pick a font that can be easily seen and read. Test the text of your logo to a bigger size if printed and a smaller size, too.

Regarding color, make sure you apply it with cleverness. Use colors that could be more brightly to be friendly to the customers. When choosing a color, print it in a black-and-white copy and the colored text. If the logo looks good, even in black and white, it is a plus point to your original color. If otherwise, look for another color. Meanwhile, once you try using colors that are not complementary, make sure that you break a rule because of its reasonable use.

2. Keep it simple but classy

To make the logo more recognizable, make it simple. So that even if you use it as a backlit lobby sign, it is not highly distractive. Most of the time, once you brainstormed in the beginning for the possible outcome of the design, your mind pops up with numerous and various undeniably complicated models. Make this your step in modifying your ideas to a simpler version. It only means that you work on the significant design, but quality control takes over it to remove all unnecessary elements.

3. Get feedback from others

Once you have finished your logo with a black and white copy and colored copy, take a step back to ask for feedback from the people you consider trustworthy. It may be friends and family members or your colleagues. Another eye should see your work to improve the negative space you had not realized before. If you have a good impression of them, consider asking experts to scrutinize the impact they could have on the market.


There are many dos and don'ts in making a logo, depending on a person's expertise and experience. The given above are only a few but the most significant ones. Do not settle for a temporary impact that your logo has. Make sure it will remain through time because it is the initial investment your brand will soon rely upon.

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