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Top 5 Food in the World You Should Eat!

Adulteration has become a trend in this new world of ultra-modernism. We must keep ourselves safe by consuming healthy food. Read on to discover how!

Top 5 Food

Top 5 Healthy Foods in the World You Should Eat!

There is a darn good reason why eating healthy food has become inevitable today. In earlier days, the mortality rate was high due to a lack of medical advancements and a lack of proper knowledge of hygiene among ordinary people.

That was a problem we faced earlier, but now a new challenge is ahead. Many babies are born with deformities, and people are becoming more dependent on medicines due to inefficient health systems and adulteration in our staple diet.

Reviving our taste buds is a sure thing, but the survival calls are such that we must eat healthy to cope with such a polluted environment. With that notion, today's blog is about the top 5 foods in the world that are beneficial for everyone and some healthy breakfast ideas.

#1 Broccoli

Broccoli may not look delicious, but it contains more than 100% vitamin K, which is enough for the day. It also has more than 200% vitamin C, a significant bone-building and strengthening element.

Broccoli is recommended by most doctors as the main ingredient that helps stave off cancer.

Diet Direction:

  • Adding broccoli to your salad for dinner or lunch is a great idea.
  • You can also eat steamed broccoli or roasted broccoli in your breakfast.
  • If you want the broccoli to be tastier, add it as an ingredient to your spaghetti or pasta.

#2 Salmon

Intellect is known as one of the everyday things in most Asian countries, and they have a hilarious reason for that: eating fish! Sounds odd. But it has a strong foothold of logic somewhere; today, we will reveal it.

It is an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids, known for reducing the risks of depression, heart disease, and significant cancer. Moreover, we need approximately 50% of the daily dose of niacin, a good shield against Alzheimer's disease and memory loss.

Diet Direction:

  • You need to opt for the over—farm—raised salmons. They contain 16 times as much toxic polychlorinated biphenyl as wild salmons.
  • Grilled salmon is a healthy breakfast idea, along with some veggie salad.
  • Poached or roasted salmon goes best with steamed potato.
  • If you want some change to your taste, you can try a salmon taco.

#3 Garlic

Garlic has been considered a good disease fighter since ancient times. It not only reduces the bacteria growth in the body but also helps in balancing the blood pressure levels. Allicin, a compound found in garlic, is a good anti-inflammatory that fights high cholesterol, putting it on the healthy food list.

Diet Direction:

  • Garlic is an essential spice that enhances the taste of any food. You can add garlic to any food to make it tastier and healthier.
  • You can add garlic to your sauces and have it with anything.
  • Eating one or two garlic slices daily on an empty stomach cures many diseases and fights gas formation.

#4 Walnuts

Walnut, just like salmon, also contains Omega-3-rich fatty acids, which help in reducing cholesterol on a reasonable level. It is full of Vitamin E, melatonin, and other great antioxidants.

Walnut also heals inflammation, heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, and other diseases resulting from oxidative stress. It not only supports weight control but also promotes a healthy gut.

Diet Direction:

  • Walnut is a binging diet. Carry it in your bag, take it out during a short break, and munch a few.
  • Adding them to your breakfast cereal and milk is healthy and sounds yummy.

#5 Dark Chocolate

If you are still holding on to the primitive superstition that dark chocolate makes you fat, then it is high time to toss that thought in the dustbin!

Dark chocolate contains about 11 grams of fiber, 67% of RDI for iron, 58% for magnesium, 89% for copper, and 98% for manganese. An ounce of dark chocolate, and rest assured you will get the best nutrition for the day.

Diet Direction:

  • There is no time to have some dark chocolate. You can have it anytime you want. But if you are still keen on knowing when it is best to have since it is a dessert, consuming dark chocolate after a healthy dinner is definitely on top!
  • We are keen on hearing your comments, and will also be waiting to know if you can suggest more such healthy food. So remember to comment!

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