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The first signs and symptoms of dementia in women and men

Dementia is a chronic progressive syndrome characterized by the degradation of cognitive functions, leading to the complete disintegration of the individual's mental faculties.

Main symptoms and signs of dementia 

Senile dementia or dementia is a chronic, incurable disease that is characterized by a degradation of the brain. Dementia is manifested in different ways - sometimes, the disease progresses rapidly, and there are cases when the process is slow. Due to information from, the total disability of the individual occurs after many years. It is essential not to miss the first signs of the disease, as the earlier the condition is diagnosed, the higher the chances of improving the quality of life, prolonging life, and employing effective treatment.

Dementia: The first signs 

Early signs of dementia often go unnoticed. They are similar to symptoms of depression and some other disorders and diseases. Early signs of dementia are characterized by memory impairment: the person becomes more withdrawn and tries to spend time alone. These symptoms are also characteristic of depression and many other disorders. With dementia, disorientation in space and time may appear.

Symptoms of dementia in women 

Symptoms of dementia in women depend on the stage of the disease and the type of dementia. Senile dementia in women can be caused by various diseases - Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and cardiovascular diseases.

Alzheimer's disease is based on the primary degenerative processes in the nervous system. The condition occurs almost imperceptibly - the patient does not experience dizziness or headaches, and there are no strokes or attacks of the brain. Alzheimer's disease does not just affect people over 65; young people in their 30s-40s can also be diagnosed, but such cases are sporadic. In some cases, this form of Alzheimer's disease can be inherited from generation to generation.

In women, Alzheimer's disease can appear during menopause, when the body is under stress due to hormonal adjustment. The early signs of the disease are forgetfulness, isolation, and becoming apathetic. A woman has difficulty remembering yesterday's events and often asks others to repeat a question. Patients become indifferent and refuse to do things they usually love to do. Such signs appear gradually, and with the progression of the disease, they get worse.

Symptoms of dementia in men 

All types of vascular dementia in the later stages of development affect all parts of the brain. In the early stage of the development of vascular dementia, minor disorders of thinking and memory are observed. Unfortunately, in most patients, the diagnosis of "dementia" can only be made after the symptoms of the disease have appeared. This happens at the moderate or late stage of the pathology's development, making it impossible to prescribe an effective treatment.

The development of dementia can be provoked by many diseases, which is why it is essential to determine the cause of the pathology.

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