Marriage might bring significant changes in any person's life, both excellent and unwanted, if not wrong, changes. However, even more important changes occur during a divorce. It mainly affects a person's emotional quotient. Even though seeking a divorce may be to get some freedom and liberation.
For example, if a woman in Lucknow wants a divorce, it would be better if she hired the top divorce lawyer in Lucknow instead of deciding to fight her case all alone. You will also have to select the right divorce mediator to help you. This blog highlights how it will make things much easier for the parties in a marriage planning to seek a divorce if they rely on the acumen of a professional in the field.
Most people think that it is only contested and faulty divorces that can prove to be very emotionally challenging experiences for the parties; however, the experience of many couples have gone on to prove that even mutual divorces can turn out to be traumatic and depressing, especially if one of the spouses withdraws his/her consent before the grant of the divorce decree.
First, the challenge is facing the criticism and humiliation of the people in your immediate vicinity and society. Marriages, in India, are considered a bond of holy matrimony, not just for the current lifetime but for the seven lifetimes to come. It is not something to be broken and from which no deviance is ideally permitted. This is probably why no legal provision for enabling divorce existed until the second half of the twentieth century.
The second challenge might be related to finances and economics, especially if one of the spouses is not financially independent, e.g., a homemaker or stay-at-home husband. It is essential to figure out the arrangement for either alimony, a one-time lump sum payment, or regular monthly maintenance.
Thirdly, getting professional legal advice concerning the custody of the children is essential. The upbringing of a child may involve many aspects, some even unforeseen, depending on the child's age. To start with, expenses related to the child's education may increase as the child progresses to higher standards. Other surrounding aspects, like whether the spouse not having custody of the child will be allowed to take him/her on vacations, how often, when and where and for how long can such a spouse meet the child, can he/she meet the child alone or is the supervision of the spouse.
Fourthly aspects concerning the distribution of their mutual assets and
liabilities are also something a divorcing couple should not forget in their divorce settlement or agreement. Typical properties are as big and significant as their houses, cars, and bank accounts and as small as their matrimonial home’s furniture and appliances.
Lastly, each spouse tries to pull down the other in front of the court during a divorce. In a proceeding for a contested divorce, if a spouse is the one guilty of the fault, it becomes all the more essential for such a spouse to hire a good divorce lawyer to ensure that his/her interests are also taken care of. He/she doesn’t end up with a unilateral judgment favoring the other non-guilty spouse.
Therefore, a couple must act very smartly while getting a divorce. Because the entire process can be very emotionally challenging, a party is likely to make decisions that he/she might regret. To prevent such adverse consequences, both parties seeking a divorce must rely on the advice of experienced professionals.