You might have the most reputed company make the network in your workplace secure, but if the people who work on it are trained, all your efforts will be well-spent. This is why, for long-term benefits, you need to start by teaching your staff to move around with the company’s network much more responsibly.
While there are many things you can teach your employees based on the kind of data you deal with daily, the top 5 points have been discussed below. Training staff per these guidelines will give you a much-needed head start in the market.
1. Regulations about downloads
This simple act is often taken for granted, and you might be willing to give your employees the benefit of the doubt here, but this is where you are wrong. A simple survey conducted around the workplace would leave you amazed at the number of people willing to risk your network by downloading just about any file and software from the internet without thinking of the consequences. Proper regulations need to be conveyed about the software that is permissible and which they aren’t allowed to download.
2. Strong Passwords
We often are in the habit of keeping passwords easy to remember for convenience purposes. Hacking into the network by brute force or directly decrypting such passwords is a child’s play for experienced hackers. Not only should the passwords be complicated, but the company shouldn’t be following any preset rule for the office systems.
3. Have backups
No matter how secure you feel the network is, there should always be a backup. This has to be followed by regular updates and maintenance of the system so that the data can be recovered safely in case of an attack and the company doesn’t suffer grave losses. Additionally, measures should be taken to totally disconnect the original and the backup database. This way, an attack on one wouldn’t put the other at risk.
4. No spam emails
The trick for making spam emails work is by making them look not only authentic but really catchy as well. The staff in the workplace needs to be formally regulated and educated on the hazards such emails can bring to the network. You need to teach them not to click any fishy links, ads, or posts from social media. One wrong click from anyone at work can compromise the security of your whole network.
5. Update regularly
Your employee's rainings should continue after only these points mentioned above. In fact, you need to keep them in the loop regarding any new updates or issues they should know about. You can keep things in check, and your network secure only through constant reinforcement.
These are just some of the basic things you need to enforce in your organization to have the workplace comply with Cyber Essentials. Compilation of the right policies today will save you from long-term losses in the future.