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5 Reasons to get back into your exercise routine after giving birth

New moms, we know you’re exhausted. Caring for a newborn is never easy, and we won’t blame you if you’d rather sleep than drag yourself back into the gym. However, there are lots of reasons to return to your workout. You’ll feel happier, stronger, and more energetic – losing the pregnancy weight is just a bonus! Here are 5 reasons for getting started with exercising after giving birth.

You’ll Get An Endorphin Rush

The hormonal changes after giving birth can cause extreme mood swings and anxiety. This is compounded by the significant difference in your lifestyle, the constant demands of a newborn, fears and insecurities about being a good mom, and lack of sleep. That’s why many mothers experience baby blues or even clinical postpartum depression.

However, even a light workout releases happy hormones that instantly lift your mood. If you don’t have the time to go back to the gym, find ways to exercise at home. A fitness DVD or YouTube video is a convenient way of getting started after giving birth. You can also get a jogging stroller to squeeze in an invigorating run while bringing your baby to the playground.

You’ll Have Some Me Time

New moms often feel that their whole life revolves around the baby. It’s even more difficult if you have more than one child, have a job, or are simultaneously caring for kids and your parents.

But there’s a saying that you can’t give what you don’t have. Without me time – and a chance to do something fun for yourself, alone and away from your family and co-workers – you will burn out fast. Even a short but regular exercise routine can allow you to focus on yourself and your needs. Choose a workout you enjoy and play music you love, and suddenly getting started exercising after giving birth isn’t a chore but a reward.

You Get Healthier For Your Family

Many moms embrace a healthier lifestyle because they know they have little kids who depend on them for everything. They start making smarter food choices, going in for regular doctor checkups, and making time to get started exercising after giving birth. This is especially important if you have a family or medical history of heart attacks, stroke, cancer, diabetes, or depression. Instead of waiting for a health disaster to strike, act now so that you live a long and healthy life and enjoy your children and grandchildren.

You Set A Good Example For Your Kids

Mom will always be the kids’ most prominent hero. If you show yourself and your family that you have the discipline and the drive to stick to your goals – even if it means going out of your to find time and energy – then they’ll learn that they, too, can achieve anything they want to. So, if you’re serious about exercising after giving birth, do it. You teach your kids that exercise and healthy living are essential and show them that if there’s a will, there’s a way.

You Burn The Baby Weight

Who doesn’t want to fit back into the pre-pregnancy clothes or hear people say, “Wow, you just had a baby! You look AMAZING!”

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