Cloud computing has become the go-to data backup solution for most companies today. Because it relies on technology, there is a lot more assurance of security and effectiveness in service provision, which explains why most top brands rely heavily on cloud backup methods.
However, everything has its pros and cons. While there is a lot to get worked up on regarding technology and cloud backups, most of the issues thereof are because of common mistakes people make. Although human is to error, people always need to be intentional with avoiding mistakes where need be. Here are the most common mistakes you may actually be making with your cloud backup right now:
Figure 1 Cloud mistakes |
Assuming the Cloud Is Backing Things Up
Even though specific cloud backup services make it very easy to put files online, it only sometimes guarantees that all your data will be saved on the cloud. Most cloud computing users get excited about uploading their files to the cloud for a little while, and then they lag and start getting lazy. The worst bit is that the laziness comes under the impression that the cloud is backing things up automatically, without you having to do a single word.
If you are not keen to check your uploads, you may have lost valuable information for your business. Ideally, automatic backups are usually convenient for full and new backups. You have to be particular when it comes to incremental and differential backups. If you are not careful, changes and updates you made to your files may not reflect only your backed-up copies if you assumed the cloud would back up everything for you.
Ignoring the security measures for your backups
Figure 2 Data protection |
Whether you are using Ottomatik or any other cloud storage service, you will need to secure your information. The challenge with cloud computing is that it relies on the internet, which means the very information security risks involved with operating on the internet can manifest in cloud computing solutions.
While uploading your files to the cloud, remember to keep your backups secure. The lucky thing is that there are numerous ways to secure your cloud backups, including using passwords. The essential technique is encrypting your information before uploading them to the cloud. While at it, ensure you cater for your devices by taking care of your computers with strong passwords, practising safe surfing and keeping your devices updated with the latest software.
Relying on one backup alone
To most people, cloud computing is all the backup they need for their business. For the most part, it is better than having no backups. However, more is necessary to have one technique you are banking on, whether your business is big or small, in terms of proper data backup and security. The problem is when your cloud solution fails, and your business needs to resume its normal operations. To decrease downtime, it would help to have a different reservoir of your work.
Technically, there is a 3-2-1 data backup rule that experts recommend for all users. You had multiple copies of the target information stored in different backup solutions. The most crucial bit of this technique is to ensure that you have at least two copies of your data stored outside the premises of your business. This method also requires that you have different storage solutions. This way, should anything happen to your business, say arson and robbery, you have other means of retrieving your information. The best bit about this technique is that you still get to employ cloud computing, only that you will not rely solely on it.
Getting locked in by your vendor
You can always be a little when it comes to auditing service providers for your company. So much can go wrong when you need to properly examine the people you seek to acquire services from. Ideally, getting locked in by your vendor can happen when you are not particular about the terms and conditions of service. People often ignore this part of closing a deal, assuming that the service provider is prominent enough to be trusted. Before making this fatal mistake, have your legal team review the terms of service before you sign the contract to solicit cloud services from any vendor.