As we all know, Kratom is scientifically called Mitragyna Speciosa. Kratom is one of the beautiful plants in its family classification called Rubiaceae. Kratom is already famous in the West, with its medicinal and recreational properties becoming a massive hit with people. The potent alkaloids present in the leaves of Kratom are what make it distinct. Another fun fact is that Kratom belongs to the same family as the coffee plant, and most of the plants under this family tend to have highly critical medical properties. With Kratom Powder and Extracts, many people have experienced various relief from their health and mental issues.
Rubiaceae Family Rubiaceae belongs to the flowering plants family, which contains trees, lianas, and herbs. However, the majority of this family are shrubs. It is also known as the coffee family, with 13,500 species in more than 600 genera. Like Kratom, other plants under the Rubiaceae family grow only in humid conditions in the tropic and subtropics. The majority is widely seen around Colombia and Venezuela. This family generally gives rise to simple, opposite leaves and endospermic seeds. Other members under Rubiaceae are Coffee, Cinchona, Carapichea ipecacuanha, and Breonadia Salicina.
Characteristics of the Kratom Botanical Family
Most of the species under this family vary in terms of alkaloid composition. The concentrations of these naturally occurring compounds make them distinctive.
Carapichea ipecacuanha
Primarily seen in Central and South America, the alkaloids found in this variety are emetine and cephaeline. These alkaloids majorly influence the effect of vomiting. This group's consumption effect is less pleasant than the other herbs under the Kratom family. However, it has gained a place for itself as a potential medicinal herb. It is mainly used for its properties to induce vomiting in the case of poisoned patients. Hence it has helped save many lives, after which the roots were used in the production of ipecac syrup. However, at present, not all people favor this syrup for treatment.
Breonadia Salicina
The only species under this genus, it has been a great source of African medicine. It is believed that its bark was used by native Africans to treat gastrointestinal infections like diarrhea and E.coli attack.
Cinchona Cinchona
Species in the Kratom family are favorites for their unique alkaloids. The alkaloid quinine found in Cinchona plants was discovered to treat malaria in 1632. Research is still ongoing to study the effects of Cinchona against Malaria due to the disease’s evolution. Homeopathy is an alternative form of medicine founded after an unusual incident involving the Peruvian Cinchona bark.
An Ancient Legacy
Despite its extensive history, only a little research has been conducted on the evolution of the Kratom family. It is estimated that the Rubiaceae must have existed during the age of the Paleocene. This conclusion is made with the help of evident fossils that prove that this family must be 49 million years old. Even Kratom was known to exist only in 1839, though the locals chewed on it for its recreational properties over a century. But the other plants under Rubiaceae have been recorded in history consistently. For example, the coffee plant’s history can be traced back to Yemen in the 15th century. There is filed documentation to support the same.
Most species in the Kratom botanical family have carved their own niche today. The coffee plant is famous worldwide, being the morning beverage in many countries. Likewise, Kratom has soared high with its highly beneficial effects, creating a vast demand scene in the market. Also, it has pulled in specific controversies based on legal status.
Other members of the Rubiaceae are known for their benefits in the cosmetic industry. Rubia Tinctorum’s roots were used to produce red dye in the 15th century. The best part is that it remains an active ingredient in the dye manufacturing industry.
This specific Botanical family is so huge, with 13,500 species, and hence, the process of picking one herb like Kratom and building a business around it has become a widespread practice in the online markets. High-quality Kratom is now available all over the market in different forms and prices. Kratom proves to be one of the most remarkable members of the Rubiaceae family today due to its therapeutic and recreational benefits. Over a decade, it has opened the gate of wellness in many people’s lives.