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Social Security Number Myths

Security Number Myths

Since your social security number is something that you don't think about a lot, you can be forgiven for believing some of the myths that are sometimes said about it. Here are some of them to set the record straight.

Congress Doesn't Pay Social Security

This was once true, but as of 1984, everyone, including the President, pays Social Security.

Name Changes Don’t Need to Be Filed

The opposite is actually true. If you have recently married, divorced, or want to change your name for any other reason, you must amend it on your social security record. If you don’t, your earnings won’t be accurate and can affect your retirement benefits. You should be getting your social security card name change application filed at your earliest convenience.

There is a Particular Age That Is Best for Claiming Benefits

The advice you might hear is that 62 is the best age to start claiming your benefits. Others say a lot later, but, of course, everyone's unique circumstances are different. This is why there is no best age in general. The state of your finances will largely determine when you claim.

Yes, you can start to claim from the age of 62, but keep in mind that if you do your benefits can be reduced. Delaying is good if you can wait as there are credits available to those who do, making your future monthly payments a bit bigger. If retirement is out of your hands then, of course, you might choose to claim a bit earlier, everyone is different.

Working During Retirement Means, You Will Lose Your Benefits

This isn't true. Working before full retirement but after claiming benefits might influence your payments, but not eliminate them altogether. Factors that can determine how much they are reduced include your age, work, and earnings.

Your Former Spouse Has an Influence on Your Payments.
Again, this is not true. A former partner can't influence Social Security in any way. You could be entitled to spousal benefits, but this will not affect their payments.

If you were married for ten years but did not remarry after, you can claim up to 50 percent of what your ex-spouse receives or your entitlement. Your local SSA office will help you to find out which is more extensive, and if you are entitled to it.

As it does not affect your ex-partner's payments in any way, you do not have to worry about contacting them for anything about these payments. These are just a few of the myths that surround social security. Understanding some of them a little better can help you make an informed decision if they relate to your circumstances. It is always a good idea to contact the local SSA office if you have any queries.

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