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Best Way to Increase Website Conversions (Just Adding One Line Of Code)

Website Conversions
A beautiful website is set up but isn't helping you grow your business. You have noticed many people visit it but don't turn into leads or customers. Something needs to be fixed that you are doing, which isn't showing an increase in conversion rate. What are you doing that is making your visitors exit the website? Can you increase conversions? Continue reading our guide on improving your site's conversion rate.

3 Effective ways to improve conversion rate

Optimize your website to get more out of it. Here are three tips to help you do it quickly.

1. Increase motivation

When a customer visits your website, they are there because of a particular motivation. Your job is to understand it and create a clear path for the customer to achieve their needs. One of the first things a customer questions is whether the product is worth the price. The next problem is how they will benefit from purchasing the product. Mention the product's use and its other benefits. Ensure the Call-to-Action button is maintained clearly for them to take the following action.

2. Frequently asked questions

Your visitors will have many questions about the company, brand, and products. To improve conversion rates, you have to satisfy their curiosity. At the same time, you want them to refrain from mailing you silly doubts and queries. Create a separate page on the website that contains common questions and their answers.

3. Qualitative and quantitative proof

Some visitors like quantitative evidence, including the years the company has been in business, its position in the bestseller list, the number of happy customers, and dollars or hours saved. Others prefer qualitative data like reviews, research results, and testimonials. You have to mention both of them to increase conversion.

Qualitative and quantitative proof

Technical aspects that increase the conversion rate

4. Strong refund policy

Technical data plays a crucial role in improving conversion rates. Customers are interested in your product's refund policy, warranty, and guarantee as it makes them more confident about the purchase. Mention the systems right below the product, where they can find it easily. You can do a separate section on the FAQ about the refund policy to make things more transparent.

Strong refund policy

5. Use action words

Start sentences with action words like grab the discount and reserve your seat today to encourage the visitors to take action. Most visitors only come to check the website, but you never know some motivation can help them make an unexpected purchase. That's more business for you, which is always good.

6. Keep questions short and simple

If you have a contact or query form on your website, make sure the issues are limited in number and crisp. Visitors hate it when they have to add too many details like their address and pin code; honestly, you don't need to know these things. Instead, focus this attention on answering their queries and clearing doubts, and they will happily purchase.

Improve website design to attract potential customers

7. Brainstorm a compelling headline

If you are wondering how to make conversions when your website goes live on a visitor's screen, you have come to the right place. The headline is the essential element of your landing page. Change the headline as often as you want unless you settle on one that turns visitors into leads.

Brainstorm a compelling headline

8. Clearly state your product's use

The one thing that separates you from your competitor is your product's use. Be bold about boasting about different ways to use your products. You can make some quirky articles about unique or crazy ways to use them to engage visitors and increase web conversion. Mention the fantastic things about the product, including its certifications, materials used to make it, durability, and strength. Your goal should be to help the visitors imagine your products in their hands after reading the description.

9. Short videos on landing pages

On the landing pages, you can upload animated or live videos about the company, products, and individual reviews. Watching a video is more comfortable than reading a long blog, so boost conversions with extra effort. You can make holiday-themed videos and excite your visitors with them. Visit Trust Activity today to find more on how to increase conversion rates.

Throw importance on the products

10. Recommend other products

After you complete giving information about the product on the product page, have a small section dedicated to other products sold by your company. These can be products that can be used with the main product or something unrelated as it makes the viewers look at more and be motivated to purchase, thereby helping in an increase in conversion rates. For example, if you sell infant feeding bowls, recommend other products like spoons or special washing liquid.

11. Display product inventory

A simple way to increase website conversion is by creating a need. When visitors see the words "limited edition" or "only ten left in stock," they will purchase the product even if they don't need it.
Display product inventory

12. Write a compelling but clear copy

Keep it simple and straightforward, and use as many action verbs as possible. Keep it simple and straightforward, and use as many action verbs as possible. You don't need to use fancy words to attract viewers or increase conversions on the website. If you oversell, they will think there is something wrong with the product or it needs to be better and that you are trying to cover it with kind words.

More ways to boost website conversion rates

13. Experiment with different CTA

Try different Call-to-Action than the usual ones, like order now and buy now. Use other words and colors to motivate the users to place several CTAs throughout your website. It is one of the most straightforward conversion tips for incorporating into your plan.

14. Don't set high product expectations

Another way to increase website conversion rate is by telling people precisely what they will receive from the product. Mention the features and benefits, which it is helpful for, and how you will deliver it.
Don't set high product expectations

15. Clear a tunnel vision

The landing page shouldn't include anything other than what you want the visitor to know. It will only distract them and take them in less desirable navigation. To improve site conversion, the landing page should not have a navigation bar and have only the necessary CTAs to next the visitor to the following webpage.

Improve the conversion rate of your website today with Trust Activity. It is an all-exclusive social proof tool that tells you what a particular visitor did when they entered your site. You can use this information to modify your website and make it more likable to achieve higher website conversion rates.

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