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5 Easy hand exercises for peripheral neuropathy

peripheral neuropathy
Peripheral neuropathy refers to conditions resulting from nerve damage. You may visit the website to identify some of the ways to manage such health conditions. A good diet, regular exercise, and appropriate supplements can help manage this condition. Today we will focus on some of the best hand exercises for peripheral neuropathy. You can do the exercises while seated, making it convenient to do at any place, whether at home or in the office.

Here are 5 easy hand exercises for peripheral neuropathy:

1. Circular finger touch

This is the best exercise to help ease the effects of neuropathy. This is an essential exercise for the general health of your hands. Below we explain how it's done. First, touch the tip of your thumb with all the fingers one at a time. They should form a circular shape. You should then stretch the hand after every rotation. This should be done at least ten times per day to be effective.

2. Thumb and finger pad touch

This is a form of stretching that is recommended for neuropathy. You should aim to touch the pad of all your fingers with the place of your thumb. You should then move the pad of your fingers to the bottom of the thumb and repeat the exercise twice. Remember to start with the index finger, followed by the middle finger, the ring, and the little finger in that order.

3. Lap and finger touch

Place your palm on your lap and start by lifting the index finger for at least two seconds. You should raise the index fingers twice and then tap your lap with the palm. You should repeat the exercise with all the other fingers. This can be done in sets of two or three, depending on the severity of the condition.

4. Hands clasp touch

This is one of the most common hand exercises that most people need to learn its health benefits on peripheral nerves. First, you need to clasp your hands tightly. You will feel some relief as the fingers and palm nerves stretch. You may circle the thumbs for an overall hands stretch exercise.

5. Ulnar exercises

Chronic pain in the hand may result from ulnar nerve compression. It is good to have a medical practitioner examine you for a diagnosis. But simple ulnar nerve exercises can help to manage the pain and cure it eventually. Wrist extensions and lifting of dumbbell exercises can help heal the peripheral nerves and reduce pain. These exercises will mainly focus on your hands' wrist and elbow parts. Learn to occasionally flex the wrist and press the fingers on the hard surface, which helps relieve ulnar-related pains.

Regular exercises help to maintain good health overall. But you should also do the hand exercises highlighted below to improve the peripheral nerves' health. You will notice an improvement in the condition, and eventually, the disease can be managed with proper diet, medication, and supplementation.

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