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7 Essential Design Principles for WordPress Developers

Many people convert HTML sites to WordPress or migrate from other formats to access the valuable features of the platform. Professionals also find the CMS a convenient and productive tool for web development. The platform makes it easy to create an interface with numerous pre-built templates available to users. However, they must know about the vital design principles of WordPress, which will help build attractive and high-performance websites. A list of essential design fundamentals is presented here. Applying these basic principles to the process will aid create visually appealing interfaces that communicate their message effectively.

1. Creating Visual Hierarchy In The Layout

Visual hierarchy is compulsory for practical web design. It involves presenting a layout's elements and other constituents according to their importance. The prominence given to critical components helps guide visitors to a preferred location. Size is a standard hierarchical tool, and designers provide large dimensions to primary objects on a page. Another helpful tool is color, which acts as a powerful attention-grabbing device. The key elements can be painted in bright shades to attract people. Professionals must list all layout elements and order them according to their importance. This will help create a compelling visual hierarchy for the project.

2. Ensuring Balance In The Design

All good designers ensure visual balance in the layout they create. Balance must not be confused with symmetry; even asymmetrical templates can have visual weight. The distribution of the components, texture, color, and space must be so that the design looks pleasing. Stability helps to clarify the path users must take while visiting the website. It also has a calming and comforting influence on the human brain. This assists in ensuring that the conversion rate remains high as people quickly experience the critical sections of the interface.

3. Defining A Clear Navigation Structure

Navigation is one of the most critical aspects of website design. Defining a well-organized and straightforward navigation path helps people quickly move through different sections of an interface. Most users arrive at a website to fulfill an objective. The navigation structure must aid the users in meeting their goals by providing them with an intuitive and confusion-free path. A straightforward navigation arrangement enables a good user experience and lowers the bounce rate. An efficient structure helps users reach an intended area in as few clicks as possible.

4. Leaving Sufficient White Space On A Page

White space is the space between graphics, columns, images, text, margins, and other elements that help differentiate between them. It is also called negative space, and leaving enough of this empty area on a page is one of the most important design principles for WordPress or any other developer. It helps emphasize a component and draw the viewer's attention toward an element. Intelligently using this blank space helps give the interface an organized and elegant look. It is also instrumental in making the text content legible and improving user experience and engagement.

5. Identifying The Focus Of The Web Page

Every web page has a focal point that must be most prominent. The focus will differ from one project to another, and some projects can have two or three focal points. This centerpiece could be a branding instrument or a message. The developer is fdevelThe developethe developer'sible for creatinto createitors' attention toward the focus. The design must highlight the focus and make it stand out among all other elements on the page.

6. Planning The Color Scheme For The Project

A well-planned color scheme is compulsory for any web design project. Professionals must plan the entire color palette for a layout by assessing the client's requirements and existing branding strategies. They must use up to two or three shades in a project. The primary color for the project must be selected, and its variations must be consistently used across all pages. Another shade that compliments the primary color must also be chosen for the layout. Many WordPress themes offer the option of making primary and secondary color selections.

7. Select Simple Typographical Elements

The visitors must be able to grasp the message of the website effortlessly. Therefore, it is essential to use simple typographical elements that do not strain the eyes of the users. Choose a font according to the branding strategy and ensure it will be quickly loaded on all browsers. Handwriting fonts must be avoided unless a project specifically demands its usage. Moreover, developers must use only a few fonts in a layout. The ideal number of fonts for an efficient design is two, and the selections must improve the content legibility.


These basic design principles for WordPress are essential for creating a layout with immense visual appeal and organized structure. Developers must incorporate these practices into their work to improve efficiency and productivity.

Author Bio
Jacob Graves is a senior WordPress developer at HireWPGeeks Ltd, a company that migrates websites to WordPress conveniently. He is a passionate writer who loves sharing WordPress and SEO-related tutorials.

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