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Want to cut operating costs for your site?

How many of you want to pay more for your hosting provider? No, it’s not a trick question, but seriously, if you’ve already set up your hosting, when the last time you comparatively shopped prices were?

Just like car insurance, the number of people who don’t even shop around and just keep overpaying year after year is shocking. Next time, rather than just clicking the renew button, how about looking at other web hosting options out there?

To the people who already have a site

As many of you already know, I run several sites. One thing I want to just ‘set and forget’ is my hosting provider. I know it’s straightforward to fall into the trap of using the same partner repeatedly, even if overall satisfaction isn’t perfect.

So, how do we determine what the best web hosting is for us? If you ask me if a hosting company can bring me a similar level of (or better) reliability, site speed, and customer service that I’m accustomed to, then cost is likely the deciding factor.

Most of us don’t contact our hosting company just to tell them how great they are. We typically only reach out to them when we have issues. As a result, it’s tough to find great, minimally biased reviews on hosting companies. Go ahead, do some searches about hosting companies, and you’ll see that nightmarish experiences outnumber raving reviews by at least a 10 to 1 ratio.

You’ll never know how excellent a hosting company is until a problem pops up. If you aren’t delighted with who you are currently using, swing by Web Hosting Clue if reducing your operating costs is essential to you. You’ll find a list of top hosting sites and valuable coupons in one place. And these aren’t no-name brands — we’re talking about GoDaddy, HostGator, BlueHost, and other leaders.

To the folks who are ready to start a site

I remember the days when I was starting up my first site. The cost was a huge factor! Don’t we all try to operate on a shoestring budget from the get-go? Even though I had the money, I actually didn’t want to spend a penny more than I had to. It’s not that I wasn’t committed; instead, I was conscious of how much money was going out relative to what was coming in — which is a big, fat goose egg in the beginning. You see how torn up people can get just wrestling with the idea of purchasing their own domain name for about $7 a year! Every dollar counts when it comes to your monthly hosting fees.

Web Hosting Clue provides an affordable way to start by giving you reviews and coupons. Instead of approximately $80 a year, how does less than $50 sound? Again, assuming all other things are equal, saving $30 is a big deal when your site earnings are zero.
Hosting summary

If you are in the market for a hosting company, whether you’re new and looking for the best blog hosting available or you are already running a site on your own, when you are in the market for a hosting provider, listen to Web Hosting Clue for viable, low-cost alternatives.

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