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My PageRank makes me lots of money

Yes, here we go, another Google PageRank article. It’s just that all this PR banter gives me more to talk about! But this time, I’m going to expose how much I’ve actually raked in because of my PR.

I’ve had some people tell me that they don’t care about PageRank. Some because they don’t think it’s relevant, or it’s not worth considering about, or it doesn’t make them money. Well, let me put this to rest if PR can make you money, does it solve the other “concerns”? I bet that the answer is “yes”.

One thing that folks don’t realise is that a site’s PageRank can actually make you money. I’m not just saying that I get more visitors or more comments, things that indirectly lead me to more money, but I actually earn money directly. I’m not talking pennies, either. I’m talking hundreds of dollars per transaction!

As you know, I’m not one to boast about money. I don’t like to disclose how much I earn from here or any of my sites. However, what I will do is provide a few examples of what I’ve been able to pull in over the last 30 days.
  • Posted site reviews (average ~$125 per transaction) – each containing 200-500 words, 3 backlinks
  • Added sentences on archived articles (average ~$300 per transaction) – each includes 10-30 backlinks
  • Added backlinks on archived articles (average ~$50 per transaction) – each includes 3-5 backlinks
  • Not bad right? That doesn’t even include my income from affiliates or other sources.

So, to drive my point home, do you think any of those paying customers would have sought me out if my PR was 0? These people wanted juice, and I gave it to them!

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