The Aero Dance Bootcamp will be led by the “Fitness Bunnie”, Sbahle Mpisane and Yolanda Sokhela. after sad news, yesterday news Sbahle Mpisane Rushed to Hospital After Accident. Her partner gave assurance to those booked The Aero Dance Bootcamp will not stop because of Sbahle incident.
She posted
Thank you fam for your prayers.knowing my fitness bunnie she wouldn't want this event to stop she's is a hardworking Fitness bunnie .
Let support make this possible for her on a Womans Month tickets are available on the day .
Pay respect event for keeping the vibe of fitness bunnie #DualAeroDance .
Pictures of Sbahle Mpisane Rushed to Hospital after Accident: #PrayForSbahle
Participants should expect a fun but challenging boot camp that will leave them sweating and inspired!
-Kickboxing class
-Functional training
-Skipping robe session
-AeroDance and dance class
-Resistance Band conditioning
Amphitheatre | Durban North Beach, Kwazulu Natal
11 Aug 2018 08:00
Price: R120