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3 Tips to ensure your earth moving machinery avoids downtime

moving machinery

The complexity of earth-moving machinery is found in its size, mechanisms, work, and operations. Granted, they are built to perform extraordinary tasks, and as long as they are in good shape, they execute their work with a sense of pride that intimidates smaller machines. This complexity, however, demands that the machine is maintained in good “health” to serve you(and the community) longer. After all, watching all that investment rot away would be unjust. Complexity aside, there are simple ways to maintain your earth-moving machinery in great shape. Want it to last longer? 

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Consider doing the following.

Lubricate every needy part regularly.

You cannot afford to run your earthmoving machine with some of its parts squeaking and making funny noises. Lubricate all movable parts as many times as demanded. You only need to establish quality lubricants to help reduce friction on moving parts. These parts perform their duty by grinding against each other. Make it a smooth ride for them to avoid rapid deterioration and a shorter lifespan.

While doing this, apply just enough lubricant on the intended parts. Too little of it will not sustain the machine, while too much will hamper the smooth movement of these parts, leading to energy losses and the accumulation of additional residue. At the same time, follow manufacturer instructions on lubricating various parts. If and where possible, use only lubricants recommended by the manufacturer. This is undoubtedly one of the surest ways of maintaining your machinery to serve you longer.

Give your earth-moving machinery a clean bath often.

Just because its job description involves a lot of earth doesn’t warrant eternally living engrossed in the dirt. Regular general clean-up is necessary, especially after a hard day’s work. Accumulation of dust and debris causes damage to delicate parts of the equipment.

All delicate parts of the machinery have special seals and filters that prevent them from dirt and grime. A crack or shuttering of the seal exposes that particular part to dirt. At the same time, filters clogged with dirt and grime expose the machine to more harm. All this can be avoided through periodic cleaning.


  • Broken seals have not performed their work; repair them as soon as possible.
  • Keep breathers clean.
  • Check the filters regularly and change them when once they are dirt-clogged. Also, consider housing your machinery to slow down the rate of rust on various parts. Keeping your machine under a roof will reduce the effects of moisture from rainfall and low temperatures. 

Regular Maintenance on various parts.

This sounds obvious, but it is easier said than done. The general outlook of earth-moving machinery is such that it can take a while before a severe breakdown occurs. Well-built machinery can perform great digging without requiring significant parts to be replaced. For this reason, most people tend to ignore the fact that the machine needs maintenance. Like any other automotive, earth-moving machine is prone to wear and tear after a given period. Thus, you must regularly keep an eye on parts that need to be replaced and those that need to be enhanced.

A total breakdown of some parts of heavy equipment can lead to a more significant loss and stalling of the machinery. To avoid this, regularly check on the bearings, gears, levers, and other machine parts.

As an unwritten rule, do not run your earth mover when it gives hints of forestalling. There is a common tendency amongst automotive drivers to try and push it just a little more, even when it produces funny sounds and shows signs of crumbling altogether. This might lead you into more trouble with the equipment, and you should take care of the problem first and quickly. If you allow it to persist, it might be too late.

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Bear this in mind.

Earthmoving machinery is not only expensive to purchase but also performs demanding tasks. Its operations are also dependent on the people who handle it regularly. Periodic personnel training is a preventive measure that can significantly impact its performance and lifespan. This is particularly necessary when you purchase a new machine.

Also, a machine in excellent condition is safe for its operators. Disasters caused by heavy machinery can be detrimental and far-reaching, affecting lives and livelihoods. To ensure that the machine operators are safe, maintain the equipment appropriately.

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