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Stuttering Or Stammering - Causes, Treatments

Stuttering is also known as Stammering, it is a common disorder, especially in young children, and it goes way in the case of young children. Still, if you suffer from stuttering or Stammering at the age of adulthood, it doesn’t go away without treatment. You’ve to consult with a doctor for speech therapy so they can give you advice and provide the best treatment for Stuttering.

What are Stuttering and Stammering?

Stutter and Stammer are both different words but have the same meaning. A Stammer is a speech disorder in which the stoppage and disruptions create an intervention in the normal flow of speech and the timing of expression. These stoppages and disruptions may convert in the form of repetitions of words, sounds like he-he-hello, and sometimes it been prolonged sounds so that the comments may be stretched too long, like hhhhhhhhello. 

In some cases, Stammering can be gentle and not cause many problems in the flow of ordinary speech, but in some cases, it can be a severe communication disorder.

The Stammer may take a strike in children aged 2 to 5, but if you start suffering from Stutter in adulthood, it is a severe issue, and consult a doctor. People suffering from Stutter begin escaping the problematic words in the conversation. 

Difference between Stuttering and Stammering

Stuttering and Stammering creates confusion among people; they think both words are different and used for other types of speech disorder. Still, the truth is in North America and Australia, Stuttering. 

It is commonly used, and Stammering is the most widely used in Britain.
The Difference between Stuttering and Stammering is like funny English in which two different words represent the same meaning as football, also known as soccer.

Symptoms of Stuttering

Common symptoms associated with Stuttering are the following:-
  • The jaw may blink rapidly
  • The tension in the voice
  • Certain words may prolong
  • Stoppage in speech intense condition
  • Face becomes red
  • Hesitation before starting to speak.
  • Foot Tapping
  • Repeating words, sounds or syllables.
Stuttering people feel embarrassed in public speeches, get nervous before starting the statement, and face other problems like difficulties in breathing, consuming lots of energy, and physical and mental stress. Stage or public speaking is a challenge for a person who stutters.

Types of Stutters

  • Genetic: In most cases, people suffer from Stutter due to genetics. In a genetic stutter problem, there must help me any family member must sustain the Stutter; that’s why stuttering is inherited in the child. 
  • Developmental: In this type of Stutter, if children younger than 5-year-old suffer from Stutter, there is no need for any treatment. It will go away automatically, and most males are sustained from Stutter in childhood.
  • Multiple Word Repetition: In this type of Stutter, saying a single word more than one time in a continuous flow like “they are/they are/they are.”
  • Prolongations: In this type of Stutter, the sound of the word being stretched for a second is like “Mmmmmmmummyyyy.” 

Types of Stammering

  • Neurogenic: In this type of Stammer, if there are abnormalities between the connection of the brain and nerve system, then it represents the neurogenic Stammer.
  • Drug-related: In this type of Stammer, the affected person stops taking the medication, and the Stammering happens. It will ultimately go away.
  • Stress-related: In this type of Stammer, any kind of emotional trigger, loss in a relationship, and bereavement can cause stress-related stress.

Causes of Stuttering

The following are the causes of stuttering:-
  1. Family dynamic 
  2. Neurophysiology 
  3. Due to Inheritation 
  4. Development of children 
  5. Misconnection of brain and nerves

Some facts about Stuttering

  • The risk of stuttering is more in boys as compared to a girl. 
  • Stutter may happen due to having a brain injury. 
  • Over 3 Million “American” suffer from a stutter. 
  • Lots of famous people suffer from a stutter. 
  • Stuttering may differ for different people. 
  • Approx 70 million people in the world suffer from Stutter. 
  • Stuttering is known as Stammering in Britain. 
  • Stammer may vary from time to time, but Stutter can't. 
  • The stuttering problem is all over the world. 
  • Stutter may vary from language to language.

Diagnosis of Stuttering

A stutter can be diagnosed by a speech-language pathologist (SPL), who can quickly examine the degree of the Stutter and what kind of treatment they will give to overcome it.

You’ve to consider a doctor when the following things happen.

  • If you feel the fear stage or facing difficulties in speaking.
  • When the child starts stuttering after the age of 5 years. 
  • If you stutter more frequently while speaking. 
  • When your muscles are tight while speaking and create an intervention in speaking.
  • SPL perform some test on you based on the facts or the symptoms they get while acknowledging you, and according to it, they take the necessary step. If it is not long-term, there is no need to take any action, but if it is long-term, they use more assessments or observations to remove it.

Treatment for Stuttering

Treatment for stuttering will not be required for every person who suffers from stuttering. If it happens at an early age, it will resolve without any treatment, but in the older generation or in adulthood, it requires therapy to determine it.

The following are some treatments that can help resolve the stuttering effects.

  • Speech Therapy: Speech therapy can help reduce speech interruption and improve your child’s self-confidence. Speech therapy primarily focuses on your child's problem and encourages your child to speak more without any fear in public and individually. They also monitor the speech rate and quality, with no problematic words that the child cannot use in normal flow. In this matter, parents can also be helpful by using the therapy technique at home and trying to teach the baby how to speak more frequently in an efficient manner.
  • Fluency shaping therapy: In fluency shaping therapy, try to smooth your speech by practising in low speed, short phrases, and sentences. The short sentences will help stretch the vowels and consonants at a specific rate and increase your speech fluency with practising.
  • Other treatment: There are no medications by which we can reduce the stuttering disorder. You only mitigate this by doing physical things. An electronic device may help to reduce the stutter effect in children, and some patients will respond more to the electronic device. In the electronic device, a voice is played in the background of the ear when a child sputter; this voice is an altered recording of their sound.

Home remedy to cure Stuttering/Stammering

  • By using Indian gooseberry
  • By eating the mixture of black pepper with butter daily
  • Use the Brahmi oil to overcome the Stutter.
  • Almonds, black pepper, and sugar candy make a paste. Lick it in the morning on an empty stomach daily. It will really help you.
  • Cow Ghee is also helpful in Stutter disorder.
  • Cinnamomum Tamala, also known as tejpata, will be affected by the cure for stammering. 

Top Exercise to reduce Stammering in children and adults

  • Clearly and loudly pronounce the vowels and consonants 
  • Breathing exercises will help to reduce the stammering effect. Keep more practice inhaling and exhaling deeply. 
  • Reading a paragraph of any book pressures you to make it right. Reading exercise helps recognize the pattern of repetition of words and syllables that cause stammering. Just relaxing and slowly reading the section.

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