After two years on the show, actor David Rees, who became a household name many years ago for playing the role of Niek Naudé on Egoli is setting the record straight on his decision to leave 7de Laan.
Unlike on Egoli where he got fired, Rees is leaving 7de Laan willingly. Rees describes 7de Laan as so “boring” that he often fell asleep on set.
“This time I’m not fired like years ago at Egoli when I played Niek Naude and caused trouble”. I’m not fired. I’ve just been written out of the storyline. I sometimes fell asleep during scenes simply because I was bored. I’ve never been just an actor. I’ve always done other stuff as well,” he said.
“David was a valuable part of 7de Laan over the past two years and his contribution is highly appreciated,” the 7de Laan production company confirmed.