Half-time: France 1-0 Peru That was a romping half! Peru set the rhythm yet France reacted in kind, to say the very least. Playing with expertise and exquisite straightforwardness, Les Bleus led the pack and keep on looking perilous. Peru, who missed an extraordinary opportunity to lead the pack prior, have a major issue: they have to discover a goal to maintain a strategic distance from disposal: and that could involve abandoning themselves considerably more presented to French counter-attacks. They will be more goals in this one, I'll wager*.
Half-Time The Peruvians have played with heart and have gone toe to toe against the French for the vast majority of the first half. In any case, one misstep was sufficient to enable France to discover the goal.
Kyrian Mbappe turned into the most youthful ever French player to score in a noteworthy tournament. After the goal, France cut out a couple more possibilities yet the South Americans have figured out how to keep the shortage to 1