Wodumo Babes and Mampintsha stuck in an unfortunate situation over monetary obligation.
As indicated by Sunday Sun daily paper, Babes Wodumo and Mampintsha are reputed to owe an Executive Suite in Joburg an extraordinary measure of R1,454 following their stay in April while they were still attached. While individuals are as yet attempting to make sense of Babes Wodumo relationship status with Brilliant Khuzwayo, the sensationalist newspapers have now moved their concentration towards Mampintsha and Babes' accounts. Truly? We're confident the two gatherings are equipped for paying off a measly R1,454 with every one of the gigs they're reserved for. It's claimed that Babes and Mampintsha, together with their group had booked two rooms at the suit and looked at the next day. The Sunday paper claims that neither of them will pay the lodging considering that their relationship is no more. This has apparently baffled the said lodging which is supposedly undermining to indict the two gatherings for the exceptional instalment. "The lodging is undermining to indict Babes and Mampintsha for neglecting to pay the cash," read the article which likewise expresses that the inn had attempted various circumstances to connect with the two gatherings.
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