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6 Reasons Why Your Brother Is One of The Important Men In Your Life

"There is a little boy inside the man who is my brother... Oh, how I hated that little boy. And how I love him too."―Anna Quindlen

This is how you also would like to describe your brother. Isn't? The love between you and your brother is sweet, fun, fierce, and messy but eternal. In fact, you couldn't even imagine your life without him. Right? At times, he must piss you off, but most of the time, he makes you laugh with his awkward sense of humor. This article presents seven great reasons to make you realize why your brother is one of the most influential men in your life.

He Always Protects You

No matter how much he fights with you, he always ensures you are safe wherever you go. And because no one else can make you feel as protected and secure as he does, you should send Rakhi to India for your brother on Raksha Bandhan, no matter how far he lives from you, and pray for his longevity.

He Is Your Constant Friend

Your brother is probably the first friend you made in your life. He is the one with whom you had plotted against your parents and fought for the TV remote when you were just a kid. And, even after growing up, he was the one with whom you shared your secrets.

He makes you laugh.

Whenever you are sad or angry, your brother tries to make you laugh by cracking lame jokes and doing crazy stuff, just like he used to do in childhood. And he keeps doing that till your stomach hurts. Right? So, always try to reciprocate the same amount of love for your brother and strengthen a stronger bond.

He Keeps Your Secret.

Everyone has had some embarrassing and shameful moments; you are no exception. But, all those moments about which you shared with no one but your brother are still a secret. Although he teases you and also blackmails you mercilessly for them, he never exposes your secrets to anyone. This is the perfect time when you can shower your love for your brother with rakhi cards for your loved brother on special occasions.

He loves you unconditionally.

The best thing about having a brother is that you will always have someone who will love you unconditionally. He has been with you even in your worst and still thinks he cannot get a better sister than you. And he keeps showing his love for you on various occasions by showering gifts upon you.

He Takes Stands For You

No matter how much he fights with or insults you when someone else tries to demean or fight with you, he cannot tolerate it. Even when your parents yell at you for something you did wrong, they step forward to defend you and calm you down. Irrespective of a man or a woman, when someone tries to bully you, he always reaches out there to help you.

You are blessed to have a brother in your life because you cannot get a better man than him.
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