Black Coffee new private jet. This past weekend, the Maphumulo family took to social media to show off what looks like a new family Jet with the family’s patriarch’s stage name, Black Coffee, branded all over the original purchase.
The Maphumulo family is way, way, way up! Mrs Maphumulo took to social media in a heartfelt post to celebrate the family’s new achievement by reminiscing on the times when it was all just a dream.
Enhle Mbali wrote this on her Instagram account:

“8 years ago all we heard was “it can’t and won’t happen, and we are not meant to be”. Love and God prove otherwise. Yesterday your plan came to being, and I remembered our hour-long conversations about your dreams and mine would go, today you have shown that with a team that’s in it for you, God, a dream in your pocket all is possible. Expect the devil to attempt to break you, he uses the weak to try break you, but with your ride or die and God sizowanyathela amadimoni. #proud #simplylive coal turns to diamond #simplylove #simplyenhle

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