During his time as finance minister, South Africa spent R873 366, 68 on international travel for Malusi Gigaba's wife Norma. This was revealed in an answer to a written parliamentary question by DA MP David Maynier. Maynier asked how much was the "total cost to the National Treasury of the specified person’s [Norma Gigaba] official travel since 1 April 2017".
The answer came in at what Maynier called "a staggering R873 366.86".
Maynier also asked for further details on Norma Gigaba's travels to the United States, Japan, China and Singapore with her husband in November 2017.
From November 7 to 11 she was in New York for the Fifth Annual South Africa Tomorrow Investor Conference, and from November 12 to 17 she was in the Asian countries for an investor roadshow.
She was paid a daily allowance for the entire trip of R15 942.15.
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