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#JuliusMalemaChallenge on #BecomingMrsJones trending over DStv premium channels only

One of the most entertaining moments on Twitter is when DStv Premium subscribers get into it with DStv Compact subscribers. So last year’s most talked about celebrity wedding returned to our TV screens this year and Black Twitter made it trend on social media again.

The friendly war usually ensues whenever a new show, that may be of interest to the entire black market gets aired on DStv premium channels only.

Which means those who are on compact clearly get left out and are subjected to watching the said shows on social media.
Compact subscribers were particularly irritated at the fact that Minnie Dlamini’s wedding documentary would only be aired on Vuzu Amp – a channel that is on the premium package only.
However, compact users were consoled by the fact that they would watch the documentary at a much later stage, and they were right.

A couple of months later and Minnie’s documentary has returned. Compact subscribers absolutely could not wait to express their happiness and level of pettiness towards premium subscribers whilst they watched the show over the weekend.

These are just some of our favourite responses on social media.
Like we said, compact users can be so petty but we love it!

Pettiness on steroids.

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