Bin Kuch Kahe Teasers July 2018 – Upcoming eBella drama series ‘Bin Kuch Kahe’ teasers, previews, updates, episodes, highlights and spoilers for July 2018.
Friday 29 June 2018 Episode 85 Nikhil tells Myra how Akshay made him spy on Kabir to get information about him. The wedding date of Myra and Akshay gets finalised at Kohli house. Kabir tells Myra that the wedding will happen the same date but with him and not Akshay.
Bin Kuch Kahe airs on from Mondays to Fridays at 09h30 and on eBella from Mondays to Fridays at 18h35. Repeats air on eBella weekdays at 12h00 and the omnibus airs on Saturdays at 15h00. Coming up on Bin Kuch Kahe this July 2018: Monday 2 July 2018 Episode 86 Rhea keeps sulking because although Myra is younger than her, she is getting married first. Kabir pulls Myra's leg in regards to what was written on the greeting card sent to her by Akshay. Kabir tells Myra that if she'd married someone else he would have not had an issue. He tells her to drop the idea of marrying Akshay and says that he loves her. Akshay overhears the conversation. Tuesday 3 July 2018 Episode 87 Akshay asks Kabir to stay away from Myra. Rhea asks Myra how can she be so disinterested in the marriage affairs. Kabir arrives, makes her try on jewellery and flirts with Myra while doing so. Sandy tells Abha that Rhea and Nikhil should explore each other as life partners rather than girlfriend/boyfriend. Wednesday 4 July 2018 Episode 88 Rhea asks Nikhil to speak to his mom in regards to their marriage. Myra notices that Abha is lost in her thoughts and suggests that Abha think of getting married again. Sudha gets angry at Rhea for making Nikhil talk to his mom. Thursday 5 July 2018 Episode 89 Kabir and Myra pick the same wedding card design. Aryan also points to the same design and Akshay feels offended. Rhea fights with Sudha over the arrangements for the marriage to be done in her way too, Sudha objects. Friday 6 July 2018 Episode 90 Abha and Sandy are missing each other's company. Sudha tells Myra that Kabir will accompany her for her shopping. Akshay calls Myra and the call is answered by Kabir. Monday 9 July 2018 Episode 91 Confrontations happen between Myra and Kabir. Aryan tells Myra that he thinks Abha and Sandy like each other. Myra gets a shock. Sudha senses Myra is uncomfortable in the presence of Akshay. Kabir asks Myra when she will say yes to him. She answers: in his dreams. Tuesday 10 July 2018 Episode 92 Abha asks Sandy what he was expecting and he tells her he missed her as a normal friend. Aryan investigates and instigates Kabir to speak about Sandy. Kabir is surprised at first but he does and gets to the point and answers Aryan's doubts. Aryan plans to bring Abha and Sandy closer. Rhea asks Nikhil to get home pregnancy test kits. Wednesday 11 July 2018 Episode 93 Rhea asks Nikhil to stay calm but Nikhil is panicked and can't stay calm. Abha promises Aryan that she would go to watch the film. Rhea tells Nikhil that she is pregnant. Thursday 12 July 2018 Episode 94 Nikhil informs Rhea that he put one of the pregnancy tests in a shirt pocket and that aunty comes to take the washing. Rhea confides in Kabir about her pregnancy and Nikhil's attitude in handling it. Kabir makes Nikhil realise his mistake and he goes to apologise to Rhea. Friday 13 July 2018 Episode 95 Nikhil tells Rhea that he doesn't want her to have an abortion. Aryan uses his tactics to make sure that only Abha and Sandy go to watch the film and he stays away. Akshay warns Kabir to hide the facts about Rheas pregnancy . Monday 16 July 2018 Episode 96 Sudha wonders about the behaviour of Nikhil and Rhea. Nikhil assures Rhea that he is ready to take all the required responsibilities. Nikhil and Rhea doubt that Sudha overheard their talk and get panicked but she hasn't heard anything. Tuesday 17 July 2018 Episode 97 Mrs. Sharma sweet-talks Rhea to reveal news about her pregnancy. Rhea gets back home and comes across the news that Mrs. Sharma has come home and has called off the marriage due to Rhea's pre- marriage pregnancy. Wednesday 18 July 2018 Episode 98 Kabir tries to support and console Sudha. Rhea tries to contact Nikhil, but in vain. Sudha tells that Rhea that she should go to Mussorie until the child is born and adopted but Rhea disagrees. Thursday 19 July 2018 Episode 99 Sudha returns the the gifts and ring to Mrs. Sharma. Kabir consoles Rhea and Rhea says Nikhil needs to own up. Rhea goes to his house but Kabir stops her and tells her to have patience. Mrs. Sharma says that if Akshay has to marry Myra, she has to break all ties with her family. Friday 20 July 2018 Episode 100 Nikhil overhears the conversation between Akshay and his mother and a confrontation occurs. Kabir informs Myra about Rhea's pregnancy and the worst situation that has taken place at home. Sudha says to Rhea and Abha that if she goes as per Rhea's decision, all the kids will be brought up without fathers. Myra curses Nikhil for not standing by Rhea in the condition which he too owns. Monday 23 July 2018 Episode 101 Myra asks Rhea what she wants and that she would stand by her. Rhea tells Sudha that she won't be going anywhere or giving the baby up for adoption. Myra asks Akshay to leave their house and thanks Kabir for being truthful. Nikhil comes to take Rhea along with him and Sudha cross questions him. Tuesday 24 July 2018 Episode 102 Sudha interrogates Nikhil about his future plans with Rhea and he tells her he will be back to take her in 48 hours. Nikhil asks Akshay to stay away from his life and not abuse Kabir as Kabir is his best friend. Wednesday 25 July 2018 Episode 103 Myra asks Kabir to take her to Nikhil. Nikhil tells Myra that had Kabir not been there, he would not have been able to take a stand for Rhea and stand against his family who were against his marriage to Rhea. Myra tells Sudha she will talk to Shekhawat for an increment as they need money. Thursday 26 July 2018 Episode 104 Kabir tells Myra that there are resemblances in Myra and his Mom except that his Mom went out of her way for her love and Myra dosent want to come out of her shell. Akshay warns his Mom that if she breaks up his relationship she will loose him forever just like she did Nikhil. Friday 27 July 2018 Episode 105 Myra tells Sudha that Nikhil will stand strong by Rhea no matter what. Akshay meets Myra at the house and Sudha asks him whether he has asked his mother for permission to marry Myra. Sudha asks him to speak to his family and then make a decision. Sudha tells a broken Rhea that no matter what, she will stand by her. Monday 30 July 2018 Episode 106 Kabir tells Nikhil to be strong and confident in handling the matters and gives him support. Myra gets angry at Akshay and asks him to give her time to sort out the issues. Kabir and Nikhil start shopping for Nikhil's wedding. Tuesday 31 July 2018 Episode 107 Nikhil tells Rhea that he would come to her with all the answers for aunty so be ready. The family decorates the house for the occasion. Bua unexpectedly comes to the Kohli house and everyone gets tense.
Coming up on Bin Kuch Kahe this August 2018:
Wednesday 1 August 2018 Episode 108 Kabir and Myra suddenly hear the sounds of drums and find out Nikhil is there. Myra tells Bua about Rhea's pregnancy when Bua gets adamant. Bua blasts Rhea for the whole scene. Nikhil and the whole family stand by Rhea. Nikhil and Rhea get married. Thursday 2 August 2018 Episode 109 The Kohli family is in celebratory mode. Sudha tells Bua that once Myra's marriage is done she is free. Myra gets uncomfortable and moves away. Abha thanks Sandy for the help. Sandy tells his mom that he has searched for a girl for himself. Friday 3 August 2018 Episode 110 Sandy tells Abha that he wants to tell her something and asks her to meet that night. Kabir tells Sudha that he would get Nikhil and Rhea for the pag phera and Myra accompanies him. Myra, while cleaning Nikhil's house slips, Kabir holds her, Akshay accidentally enters and blasts Kabir. Rhea blasts Mrs. Sharma for ill treating her.
Monday 6 August 2018 Episode 111 Akshay tries to get physical with Myra. Kabir intervenes and asks him to leave. Kabir tells Myra that he would take her away. Sandy decorates the venue to propose to Abha. Myra blasts Akshay who starts maintaining a distance. Tuesday 7 August 2018 Episode 112 Kabir gets a call from an unknown number who informs him about a scam during elections. Sandy proposes marriage with Abha to Sudha and Bua, Abha asks him to leave. Kabir gets a parcel in which the venue is mentioned. Everyone tries to make Abha understand about Sandy but in vain. Wednesday 8 August 2018 Episode 113 Sudha tries to get overview of Sandy from Kabir, telling Kabir that Sandy proposed to Abha. Myra tells Akshay about Sandy proposing to Abha. Abha tells Kabir she can't compromise on Aryan's happiness by taking any wrong decision at this point. Myra comes across the venue where Kabir has been called by unknown caller. Thursday 9 August 2018 Episode 114 Kabir and Myra come to the address but in vain, its revealed that Akshay planted the girl to plot againt Kabir. The closeness between Myra and Kabir is observed by Bua. Sandy tells Amma about Abha, Amma isnt happy with Sandys decision for Abha. Nikhil asks Kabir to get his stuff back from his house that he has forgotten. Friday 10 August 2018 Episode 115 Kabir gives Myra a deadline to talk to her family or he will speak out. Akshay avoids the conversation between Myra and Kabir. Akshay gets a call from the girl he planted and he fears Myra overheard the conversation.
Monday 13 August 2018 Episode 116 Sandeepan meets Abha and informs her that his mother will be in the city. He further shows her the adoption documents and assures her that he will take full custody of her son if she does marry him. Abha, however, is reluctant to get married the second time. Sandeepan learns from Aryan that it is Abha's birthday and he decides to buy her a gift. Tuesday 14 August 2018 Episode 117 Myra meets Sandeepan and finds out that he was not allowed to meet Kabir, who is arrested by the police. Myra meets the police officer and manages to convince him to let her meet Kabir. Through the tag of being a reporter for a reputed newspaper, Myra also manages to meet the woman, with whom Kabir was caught at the hotel. Wednesday 15 August 2018 Episode 118 Myra and Sandeepan manage to convince the police officer and get information out from the girl's phone. Myra and Sandeepan arrive and they are joined by Kabir, who has been freed from the prison. Myra reveals Akshay's truth and reveals that Akshay was the one who had trapped Kabir. Thursday 16 August 2018 Episode 119 Riya, Abha and Myra support their mother on her decision that she has taken. Later, Abha thanks Sandeepan for helping Myra free Kabir from the jail. Akshay tries to force Myra to forgive him and seeing this, Kabir intervenes. Lost in his hatred for Kabir, Akshay takes out a knife and attacks Kabir. Friday 17 August 2018 Episode 120 Kabir meets Abha and after hesitating for a while, he reveals to her that he loves Myra. He also adds that he hid his feelings from everyone but Myra herself. Nikhil meets Riya and informs her of a job opportunity that he has just got that involves him leaving the country.
Monday 20 August 2018 Episode 121 Kabir gets a call and he is reminded of the promise he had made in return for the cafe that Abha is running. Kabir sees Myra crying as she remembers Akshay, who had been a friend but had ended up betraying her trust. Kabir consoles her and asks her to not abandon Akshay forever. Nikhil informs Riya's entire family that he has bagged a job in New York. Tuesday 21 August 2018 Episode 122 Kabir and Myra's aunt believe that they should all be focusing on Abha instead. Abha sees a lady fighting with an autorickshaw driver and she helps the lady. Unaware that the lady is Sandeepan's mother, Abha takes the lady to her cafe and serves coffee to her. Sadeepan wakes up and does not find his mother. He is worried that his mother might end up meeting Abha. Wednesday 22 August 2018 Episode 123 Aryan speaks to Kabir and hopes that he gives his opinion on Sandeepan, the boy who could be marrying his mother, Abha. Kabir explains that more than his opinion, it is Aryan's decision that will pave the path to the marriage. Meanwhile, Aryan's grandmother wonders how to sort out the differences that exist between her and Sandeepan's mother. Thursday 23 August 2018 Episode 124 Aryan expresses his approval towards his mother's marriage with Sandeepan but Abha is still in doubts. Next morning, Abha's mother questions Abha about her decision but infuriated by the questions, Abha storms out of the house. Will the family succeed in getting Abha to agree to her marriage with Sandeepan? Friday 24 August 2018 Episode 125 Myra and Kabir set up a meeting between Abha and Sandeepan. Myra and Kabir then escape from the cafe. On their way, Myra learns that Kabir will be leaving the city to join his father's business and Myra is not pleased to hear this. Abha reveals that she has not yet given a divorce to her husband, although she no longer lives with him.
Monday 27 August 2018 Episode 126 Kabir and Sandy informs Abha about her divorce and she agrees to marry Sandy. Myra apologizes to Sudha about the money that got spent and wasted due to her marriage. Abha says that they should get the engagement done post her divorce. Myra gets jealous and uncomfortable over Mandy suggesting brides to be girls to Kabir. Tuesday 28 August 2018 Episode 127 Abha and Sandy sense the jealousy of Myra when instigated about Kabir's date with Megha. Mandy consoles upset Myra. Amma tells Sudha that the engagement and all has to be kept just a family affair rather than making it big event. Sudha faints while cleaning up of house which infact is her part of plan for getting Kabir and Myra closer. Wednesday 29 August 2018 Episode 128 Sudha confides in Mandy saying she didn't faint at all but did act so as to get Kabir and Myra together. Abha gets insecure and jealous as Aryan gets closer to Sandy than her. Mandy and Sudha see that their plan of bringing Myra and Kabir closer is working. Thursday 30 August 2018 Episode 129 Kabir tells Myra that she has to be strong as its time for him to return to his family. Myra gets upset. Abha gets upset about Sandy over the expensive mobile gifted to Aryan by him. Sandy answers her saying Aryan accepted him but Abha hasn't yet. Abha shouts at Sandy in front of family. Friday 31 August 2018 Episode 130 Abha blasts Sandy about has he given a thought for their relationship, Sandy leaves them with a heavy heart. Aryan protests against Abha at the dining table over dinner for her behavior towards Sandy. Kabir asks Sandy to deal with Abha with care over his resigning plan, Myra makes Abha understand how her perspective is wrong. Abha and Sandy bond with each other.
Bin Kuch Kahe airs on from Mondays to Fridays at 09h30 and on eBella from Mondays to Fridays at 18h35. Repeats air on eBella weekdays at 12h00 and the omnibus airs on Saturdays at 15h00.
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