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Finally, I matriculated after spending time in jail. Says Samthing Soweto!

‘I Have A Problem With Reading And Writing,’ Says Samthing Soweto! The Akanamali hitmaker has done well at turning his life around after spending time in jail. Not only did he have one of the biggest songs of 2017, he also went back to school to finish his Matric.

Samthing Soweto admitted in a recent radio interview how he struggles to read and write. “People don’t know this about me, but I have a problem (with) reading and writing, so school was really tough for me. It was a nightmare but I went back nonetheless,” he said.

He shared how it was difficult to prove to his loved ones that he had changed and he knew going back to school would help.

“Finally, I matriculated, it was hard but I did it. I had to memorize a lot of the words and I’m constantly spelling things wrong. Even to this day, I have a real problem with that. If you read some of the things I write, you’ll probably find a lot of mistakes in there.”

He says going back to school taught him to be patient.

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