1994 marked the first democratically-elected President of South Africa taking control of the country and its well-being.

The late Nelson Mandela was the first man charged with steering the country into a prosperous future, with his first and only term running from 1994 to 1999.
Following Mandela was Thabo Mbeki, who lead South Africa from 1999 to 2004. He was reelected for a second term, which was cut short in 2008 due to, in part, ANC party politics.
Kgalema Motlante stepped in for a year before current president Jacob Zuma took control.
Zuma served his first term from 2009 to 2014, after which he was reelected – due to serve from 2014 to 2019
You are probably very curious about their personality. So, here is an easy test that will tell you something about their character.
All you need to do is to make a choice which of the 4 people in the image is the most stupid.
If you decided to go with number 1, we are sad to inform you that you give up too easily. You often think that you have no power in influencing the situation, so you just accept what has been served. Fights and scandals make you sad, so you prefer quietness and peacefulness. You are an honest and kind human being.
Choosing number 2 means that you sometimes make some careless decisions. You make mistakes as a result of not thinking and analyzing the situation. Although, a lot of people see you as a headstrong person.
Going with number 3 makes you a person that cannot easily give up on things. You always use your last strength to fight for justice. You are capable of becoming a successful businessman since you see strategies as a hobby.
Finally, choosing number 4 means you are a rebellious person. In situations in which you want to prove something, you are able to fight even against yourself. However, these tricks prevent your rational thinking. A true revolutionary is what describes you the best!