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Winnie Ntshaba (Khethiwe) regrets leaving Generations

Three years ago, Winnie and 15 of her other cast members were fired from Generations after a wage dispute between the cast and its Executive Producer.

And Although the divorce between the cast members and the producers was an ugly one. Speaking to Drum Magazine, Winnie acknowledged that they were treated far better on the Generations set and really had it good there.

“Maybe we overreacted there. We all had our own dressing rooms – we were treated like stars. I had been there for 10 years and became comfortable and took certain things for granted. I’ve realised the way things are done elsewhere is totally different. I’ve done outside shoots and it’s rough out there. But everything happens for a reason and I need to evolve, to adjust and to learn how others are doing it.” Said the actress.

So does this mean Winnie wants to go back on Generations? Not necessarily, but we’re sure she would consider it if the offer was presented to her, after all, we’re sure some viewers miss seeing Khethiwe on their screens.

Winnie also added that although she is divorced, she still believes in marriage.

“My mother (76) and father (81) are still married. I believe once I say let’s do this (marriage) it’s going to be for keeps this time. But I have to be sure because no one’s perfect and both parties must be committed.”

Winnie was married to Thabo Modise, a SABC cameraman for four years whom she shares a son with.

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