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NFP Magwaza Msibi daughter Gugu Gumede is a glam goddess!

You may know Gumede as Uzalo’s meek and mild Ma’Mlambo but when she’s off duty, she’s a glam goddess of note!

Not only is 24-year-old Gumede the daughter of Zanele Magwaza Msibi, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology and the president of the National Freedom Party (NFP) but she is a chameleon that personifies the #ICanDoBoth mentality as she slays both the fresh-faced look and the kind of face-beat RuPaul would be proud of.

Gumede’s Instagram account is one of those that you check whenever you’re in the mood to stunt on people but you have no idea what outfit to wear or what hair and make-up look to go for.

Just look at this stunning braids and beads combo with her accessories from NtoZinhle Accesorise.

Something to wear for heritage day?

If you wear this at the next wedding you attend, the bride might just kick you out for stealing the show.

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