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EVA - We Are Family Teasers May 2018

We Are Family Teasers May 2018 – Upcoming EVA drama series ‘We Are Family’ teasers, previews, updates, episodes, highlights and spoilers for May 2018.

Coming up on We Are Family this May 2018:

Tuesday 1 May 2018
Episode 166

Mabel and Andrés go on with their affair and a misunderstanding leads Irene to think Alexis has feelings for her.

Wednesday 2 May 2018
Episode 167

Manuela/Ramona tries to reassure Joaquín by saying Francisco looked sorry to her, but Joaquín asks Flavia to contact him with Francisco.

Thursday 3 May 2018
Episode 168

Joaquín closes the doors of the company to Francisco for good. In the meantime, he'll be working as a chef at the bar.

Friday 4 May 2018
Episode 169

Pablo is shocked to know Manuela's secret. He promises to keep her secret, but he almost betrays himself in front of Joaquín.

Monday 7 May 2018
Episode 170

Joaquín cannot catch the mysterious stranger red-handed but he is suspicious of Francisco.

Tuesday 8 May 2018
Episode 171

Pilar tells Joaquín about Manuela/Ramona and Santiago. Later, Manuela seeks refuge in her apartment and begins to write about her life.

Wednesday 9 May 2018
Episode 172

Manuela wakes up just in time to prevent Gregorio from reading Pilar's name. She breaks down and tells him she can't trust him.

Thursday 10 May 2018
Episode 173

Andrés and Julieta are almost divorced; Pablo sets a date to marry Julieta. Elsewhere, Olivia tries to get over her anger.

Friday 11 May 2018
Episode 174

Pilar forgives Manuela/Ramona and asks her never to lie to her again, but Manuela/Ramona feels guilty about the truth she's still hiding.

Monday 14 May 2018
Episode 175

Gregorio decides not to go to Pablo's wedding, so Ramona goes dressed up as Manuela and Manuela as Ramona.

Tuesday 15 May 2018
Episode 176

Julieta and Pablo's party is cancelled. However, they're relieved they don't have to lie anymore as the truth is finally revealed.

Wednesday 16 May 2018
Episode 177

Joaquín realises Manuela has run away. He decides to speak from his heart so he tells Pilar Manuela's real name while he waits for her to come back and confront Pilar.

Thursday 17 May 2018
Episode 178

Manuela tells the truth and Pilar throws her out of her house. Manuela leaves feeling devastated. Later, Pilar runs away with Bart.

Friday 18 May 2018
Episode 179

Joaquín talks to Pilar and takes her back home where she tells her sisters who Manuela actually is. Manuela realises she's lost her daughter forever.

Monday 21 May 2018
Episode 180

Santiago meets Pilar and asks her not to blame Manuela but to consider her suffering through the years. In turn, Pilar realises she has a new family to meet.

Tuesday 22 May 2018
Episode 181

Pilar reunites with all her sisters and brother. At the same time, she begins to understand the changes in her family and feels the need to talk to Manuela.

Wednesday 23 May 2018
Episode 182

Pilar doesn't dare talk to Manuela and hangs up. Meanwhile, Joaquín goes to see Santiago assuming it was him who made the accusation, but Santiago denies everything.

Thursday 24 May 2018
Episode 183

Joaquín allows Manuela to give the family chain to Pilar who accepts it. Manuela learns about the bribe that Joaquin has been accused of and offers to help him.

Friday 25 May 2018
Episode 184

Manuela resigns herself to losing Joaquin. However, she keeps waiting for Pilar's forgiveness which comes when she asks her to put the chain on her neck.

Primetime episodes of We Are Family air Mondays to Fridays at 21h00 on EVA. Each episode premieres at 15h00 in the afternoon.

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