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Johannesburg Mayor Herman Mashaba fires Sharon Peetz

Johannesburg Mayor, Herman Mashaba has decided to remove the MMC for Economic Development, Sharon Peetz. This was after Sharon Peetz, who is a Democratic Alliance (DA) councillor, allegedly acted irregular in arranging for a family member to accompany her on an official trip to Spain.

“Peetz will be referred to the Party for consideration of further disciplinary process in order to determine her culpability,” Herman Mashaba said.

“Recent evidence has been brought to our attention that the proof of payment, between Peetz and the travel agent, which the councillor had provided to my office as proof that she had paid the travel agent, was allegedly falsified,” Herman Mashaba was quoted.

“Irrespective of one’s role in the City, and irrespective of your political affiliation, there will be accountability for wrongdoing,” Herman Mashaba added.

The Federal Executive of the DA has welcomed the decision by Johannesburg Mayor Herman Mashaba .

Sharon Peetz has a degree in marketing. She has worked as the general manager of Durban Tourism Authority and Johannesburg Tourism. She has served as a DA councillor since 2011, when she was the DA whip for the Section 79 committee of economic development.

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