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I DO NOT CARE WHAT YOU THINK! About My Blonde Hair,Says #isiBaya Actress Jessica Nkosi

Actress Jessica Nkosi is well known for her long blonde weaves. Although the color looks good on her, it seems as if not everyone is happy. Well, she has a message for the unhappy ones. She took it to Twitter to tell her hair critics to go tell someone who cares, because she doesn’t care what they think.

Jessica hardly ever stay with her natural hair. She always have a weave, braids or has it plaited. Adding a bit of color to it is her trademark. She doesn’t color her own natural hair, however, with weaves and any extensions, Jessica goes all out.

If you have a problem with my blonde hair… please go tell someone who cares… coz telling me won’t help… I DO NOT CARE WHAT YOU THINK!

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