CAMERAS may have stopped rolling for former Generations and Rhythm City star Dumisani Mbebe, but the drama from his characters has allegedly spilled into his life. This as he was allegedly expelled from his Woodland Gardens love nest in North Riding, north of Jozi, on Wednesday morning, insiders said.
According to sources, the lovers’ tiff centred around the actor-turned-businessman splurging on his “many” side dishes. Said the first mole: “Things between them have been sour for about two years. But alarm bells went off about a year ago, when Dumisani stopped bringing money home from his acting gigs.”
But a “confused” Mbali denied there was any conflict between them when contacted on Thursday. “I wonder who told you our address, but I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Mbali said.
“Whoever told you this is lying, I was in Durban on Wednesday.” But a second source begged to differ, saying things “really got ugly”. “She was calling him all sorts of names and throwing his clothes outside. We tried to convince her to resolve the problem quietly indoors, but she’d have none of it,” the source insisted.
The source said: “This guy has neglected his financial duties, leaving his poor wife to pay for all their bills.” The source insisted that a gatvol Mbali was pushed to the point of no return this week, resulting in her tossing the actor’s clothes out of their townhouse.
“Then, the situation turned personal and got out of hand when she claimed he was broke. Police were called to difuse the situation.” Douglasdale police spokesperson captain Mpho Kgosana confirmed that the police were called to the scene to intervene.
“No case was opened by the parties involved,” he said. Dumisani was not available for comment and also failed to respond to our SMSes.