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Somizi preference toilets used in white malls than those in black malls

Somizi came under fire from social media fans on Thursday after posting a video suggesting toilets used in "white malls" were better for privacy than those in "black malls

Somizi has labelled certain malls, "white malls" and believed he gets more privacy there.

"I have discovered something. If you want privacy go to those malls, I call them white malls, those malls with mostly white people. There is something about white people and the toilet. I think they go on schedule... Go to black malls, oh lawd, the person who just came out will wait until you come out again just to make sure it is you," he said

While most of his followers found the video hilarious, some were offended by the comments and accused the Idols judge of "demeaning" black people.

"Yeeee Nkosi, just because you have money and are able to afford yourself and live in better places, you make jokes about the rest of 'blacks'. Ja ne, black people ne mali (with money). And to those who will say it's just a joke, it's not, these innuendo jokes about blacks, coming from monied blacks are sad. More sad (are) those who are amused by such," one user commented.

Another user said that Somizi sounded "insulting". While one told him: "stop with your silly's enough".

"Discrimination... and black people are just laughing," read another comment. The video gained hundreds of comments and was watched almost 40,000 times in a few hours.

Somizi's die-hard fans jumped to his defence, and soon several fights broke out between his followers.

Somizi has not responded to the comments posted on his video.

The post comes amidst calls from singer Zahara for Somizi to apologise for a joke he made at the annual SAMA awards this past weekend
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