A Durban schoolboy is sitting at home, missing classes, because the school he attends has deemed his haircut to be “inappropriate”.
The learner, who is 16 in Grade 11 at a private school in Glenwood, was given one afternoon to “sort it out”, otherwise he must stay at home until it grows into an appropriate style.
His sister – who is also his guardian – told News24 she was furious.
She supplied photographs to News24.(See pic below)
“They say this is exotic. To rectify this, the hair has to be equal length. That would require shaving his head to give him a ‘number one’ which is also explicitly not allowed in the Code of Conduct.”
His sister, who is an advocate, said he was now at home until the sides grow in.
“His hair grows fast, so he should be ‘presentable’ by next term.”
In correspondence with the school, she said: “We specifically stayed away from a step and any cut away lines which are very popular, and got the most modest of all hairstyles.
“I cannot believe that this haircut is seen as inappropriate. It is neat and tidy and makes no statement other than that,” she said, asking the school to reconsider its stance because she did not want him to miss any school.
She said the code of conduct outlaws “exotic hairstyles” (including steps and number ones) and long fringes and demands the learners have “a regulation school boy’s hair cut”.
“Are you saying that the only haircut is one where the hair is all even length?” she asked.
The principal, in response, said: “We have to apply one rule to all – we have made it clear to learners that the current fade of very short sides and a longer on top is not acceptable.
“We have applied leniency previously – insidiously all manner of styles started creeping in,” the principal said.
“We have parents of our Zulu learners who shave their heads because it is their tradition and therefore we have to accept this,” she said, saying that if the learner needed to do this in order to comply with the rules “then so be it”.